Thursday, July 22, 2010


Well, it's been a while. Pull up a chair and listen to me drone on about nothing in particular. I found myself inspired by a friend to post another blog. Flattery is a great way to get people motivated. Oh, and did I mention how great you look? Have you lost weight? Regardless, enjoy!


Well, another spring has come and gone and we are into the "dog days" of summer. In the middle of this past abominable winter, I told myself no matter how hot it got this summer, I would not complain. The question is, does it count as "not complaining" if I would choose to go to the dentist, the doctor, or even have an IRS audit rather than go outside and work in the garage or pull weeds? Is it "not complaining" when I hop in the truck and sit on the black leather seats and bite my lower lip while putting my fist through the roof of the truck due to the seats being 323 degrees? Is it really "not complaining" if someone says, I sure do love this hot weather after last winter, and I have to put on a fake smile and say, "Yeah, I love it! It reminds me of the tropical heat in Mexico. I just can't get enough of it."? I guess the answer is in an old adage, "Grin and bare it."


As you may have read in a previous post, I enjoy storms of all kinds. Whether it be a summer thunder storm or a winter blizzard, they intrigue me in various ways. By far, the most intriguing of them all is the Supercell thunderstorm. If you have lived in the great plains for any amount of time, in all likelihood you have at least heard of a Supercell thunderstorm. For those of you challenged in the meteorological sense, a Supercell is a small storm(1-6 miles wide) that packs a big punch. It is a storm that is rotating and has a great deal of updraft, or a vortex. To dumb it down even further (not that you are dumb), most tornadoes spawn from Supercells. The picture above is a text book example of a Supercell.

I did get to see a couple rotating storms this year, but I still haven't had the treat (yes, treat) of witnessing a tornado. Now, don't go reading anything into this, I did not storm chase. I am very aware of the fact that I know just enough about tornadoes to get myself killed. But the fact of the matter is, every spring, from May to July, I contemplate the prospect of happening upon a tornado. Of course, in my head the tornado I happen upon is out in the middle of no where, and I am southwest of the tornado as it travels to the northeast. It does nothing to hurt anyone and maybe hits an abandoned barn or silo just to give me a display of it's power. But, with the way things usually go in my life, I would be locked in an all glass building with no basement, directly in the path of the tornado with no where to run, no where to hide. I guess that would probably help rid myself of my storm intrigue...if I were to survive, that is.


Well, those are just a few thoughts off the top of my head. Maybe next time someone compliments me on my writing skillz (yeah, that's right, I said skillz) I will put fingers to keyboard once again. And yes, this is a shameless ploy to get you to shower me with praise. But don't worry I won't let it go to my head.