Monday, January 7, 2013

In one of the worst Aerosmith songs ever, Steven Tyler belted out the lyrics, "Eat the rich...."  For years this was just an annoying song put out by a washed up band that was great once.  Today though, it is a war cry that I embrace.  Now, the thing I always found ironic about Aerosmith's song was that you would think it would be clear to everyone that Steven Tyler and the rest of his gang are pretty dadgum rich.  I never could quite figure out what Steven Tyler was thinking.  Did he actually think that we didn't know he was rich?  But I digress, as I often do.  Regardless, Mr. Tyler had a very good point, especially if you read through the lyrics, if you can stomach it.  He said, "Eat the rich, there is only one thing they are good for.  Eat the rich, take one bite now and come back for more."  Yep, the rich are pretty much useless. 

Now, how does this apply to Stinkin' Lincoln?  Well, Lincoln is a hot bed for rich people that don't know how to act like humans.  I am not sure if it's the fact that they are "New Money", "Old Money" or just horrible human beings.  No matter the case, it's pretty clear you are dealing with a rich person in Lincoln by the way they carry themselves and treat you.  They truly think their poop doesn't stink.  I am here to tell you that your poop does indeed stink.  In fact, most of us humble poor folk can smell you coming a mile away.  Now, don't get me wrong, there are some rich folks that I have had a great pleasure to deal with here in Lincoln.  However, it always seems like they are from somewhere else when they are rich AND kind AND live here. 

Let's get down to some examples, which should keep your thoroughly entertained.  First, let's discuss a family that my wife was cleaning house for.  Prior to cleaning for these people, my wife cleaned the very same house for a family that my wife had been working for the past 16 years.  This family had become very close friends and had actually helped us out financially on more than a few occasions and are just wonderful all around people.  The funny thing is they were rich.  I am not sure exactly how rich, but I do know they had no shortage of funds.  In fact, they would sometimes pay my wife a year in advance.  I mean, who does that?  Like I said before, this type of rich person is usually from somewhere else.  The gentleman was born in Spain, went to school in England and always dressed like a Scotsman for some strange reason.  The lady was from Missouri, but was highly educated and a professor at the University of Nebraska. 

Recently they decided to get the heck out of Nebraska before they had to deal with another winter.  They put the house up for sale and started looking for a new place to live in a much warmer and/or more scenic place.  The house sold and our friends recommended us to clean for the new owners.  It was after this that things went south.  Our friends went to go close the deal and the family that bought their house "forgot" a check they were supposed to give to our friends at closing.  I believe it was for several thousands dollars.  Needless to say, our friends never saw that money.  There were also a couple other petty things that happened prior to and at closing.  Once the new owners took possession of the house, they called my wife to see if she would be willing to clean for them.  She agreed, but did so cautiously.  Very early on it was apparent that what these people wanted was Alice from the Brady Bunch.  My wife would show up at the house to clean and there would be close all over the floor in all the bedrooms. The living room floor would be covered with kids toys and the kitchen would look like a Thanksgiving dinner had just been prepared.  As you may have guessed, my wife quit after just a couple weeks. 

We came to find out that these people were loaded!  Like most rich people, they seem to have some sentimental attachment to their money and they just don't want to spend it unless they are taking advantage of someone else.  They have to get the most bang for their buck.  Apparently that meant that my wife was to pickup the entire house and clean what was underneath.  Personally I would have liked for them to have set my wife up with a little maids outfit.  (Hey, I can dream.)

Rich-folk are also some of the most inconsiderate people I have ever seen.  Like the lady sitting in her Range Rover in front of Starbucks taking up one of two lanes that run in front of the shop.  As a result, traffic in this very busy parking lot is having to navigate around her.  Or how about the lady at the local brew-pub that just arrived in the bar during dinner time rush on a Saturday that marches into the bar area where it is "seat yourself" and proceeds to take a table a nice older couple had been waiting on for the last 15 minutes.  Her and her Coach purse and her son wearing his Pius X letterman jacket all seemed to enjoy and be completely oblivious while enjoying their ill-gotten table and fantastic view of the Packers vs. Vikings playoff game on the TV.  (By the way, Pius X is a private Catholic school here in Lincoln where all the super rich kids go.) 

You may be wondering what brought on this disdain for the rich in me.  Or maybe you aren't.  Well, I hope you were wondering because I am going to tell you.  First of all, it's always been there for as long as I can remember.  At a very early age I came to realize that the rich were horrid people.  My family had been dealing with a Fortune 500 company since 1966.  But really, it wasn't until recently that the evil that exists in the rich truly rose to the surface.  Over those years, the company never let us get rich performing the service we were providing, but they always treated us relatively fair.  A couple of years ago they approached us and said you can keep working for us if you agree to be paid X amount.  X amount was 40 percent lower than what we had been making.  We agreed to be paid this amount, basically because we had no choice. 

Then they got 4 months behind in paying us.  A Fortune 500 company being 4 months behind on paying is utterly is a ridiculous.  At that point, we had to quit or declare bankruptcy.  We chose to quit.  Now here is the kicker; over the last quarter, this company has recorded record profits.  The way they have done this is by screwing every person that has ever been in contact with them and helped them get to where they are today.  That is except the corporate officers.  They are taking McDonald's Supersized bonuses. 

I have to say, that I am shocked that more people don't go "Postal" on people like that.  If they did, could anyone blame them?  Rich people are our modern day plague.  They are sucking the life out of all of us and laughing all the way to the bank.  The really funny thing though, is that at some point, they will run out of people to leach off of.  The honest truth is that the rich are dumb.  They are short sighted.  They don't realize that at some point people are going to freak out and fight back, or there won't be anything left to try and take.  We will have been sucked dry by then.  At which point, I would think that the rich should start designing some designer bullet proof vests.  Because it seems that no matter how poor some people may be, they always have access to guns and ammo.  I bet if Coach and Kevlar could get together and design something fabulous!