Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Save the Planet!

As I have mentioned in a previous blog, I am enamored with the ocean. Though I have only been in contact with it a relatively minimal amount, it is something that brings me great joy. The smell, sound, wild life, and scenery both above and below it's surface is something I feel I would never grow tired of. So, you can probably imagine how the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico makes me feel. Seeing fish and sea turtles wash up on shore already, not only saddens me, it angers me. Sadly, this is just the beginning. The Gulf of Mexico is one of the richest fishing waters in the entire world. It is an incredible ecosystem. This means there are more species of aquatic life, both enormous and microscopic, than can be counted.

I don't really consider myself a "tree hugger" in the purest sense. But, I feel one of my greatest attributes and at the same time one of my biggest faults, is my ability to feel. I have been told by many a person that I wear my heart on my sleeve. Because of this, if I see injustice it cuts me to the bone. To me, things like oil rigs in the ocean, animal poaching in Africa, strip mining, deforestation, etc., these are all things that really get to me. One of my biggest pet peeves is shortsightedness, and oil rigs, poaching, strip mining, and deforestation are all things that look at what can be had now without any regard for what our children, grand children, and great grand children will be able to have. This oil spill was preventable, but shortsighted people chose vast amounts of money over protecting the ocean. As a result, one the most incredible ecosystems in the world is in jeopardy. It's been 21 years since Exxon Valdez ran aground and spilled 11 million barrels of oil into the ocean in Alaska. Today, the ecosystem in that area has yet to fully recover. So, at my age of 37 years old, I will officially be a senior citizen by the time the Gulf Coast gets close to being back to what it is today.

The bright side is the fact that the earth is a pretty amazing place. Try as man might, the earth will never be brought to ruin. Man on the other hand, well that's a different story. We may drive ourselves extinct before we get a chance to kill "Mother Nature". At that point, the earth will be just fine.

I am going scuba diving next week, and if anything, this oil spill is going to make me enjoy my visit to the ocean all the more. It's a shame man has to destroy things before we can all appreciate what the earth has to offer. But this coming week, I am going to look a little closer at the coral and the sea turtles and really appreciate what I get the privilege to see. Hopefully, someday soon, those ruining the earth, will be ruined themselves and the next generation will get to enjoy a much more beautiful world.

1 comment:

  1. Amen brother! Get ready for the cost of gas to go up because of pure stupidity.
