Monday, April 27, 2009

New Frontier

Well, here we go. Up until the past few days, I thought blogging was a waste of time and udderly stupid. Now I just believe it to be a waste of time. But, here I am typing when I should be sleeping. What's the purpose of this blog. Well, I am not really sure to be honest. I guess it will define itself as time goes on. My initial thought is to give me a place to; 1. Vent my, how shall I put this, frustration with a small town that has gotten too big for it's streets. And 2. Reconnect with my old stomping grounds, Omaha. Omaha has certainly changed since I left 13 years ago, mostly for the better. But the things I miss about are still there. Zio's Pizza for one. The other day I found myself in Omaha to do a job with a couple of my employees. I told the guys to go to the job and get everything set up, and I would go and grab us a pizza from Zio's. As I am waiting for the pizza to get done, my right man, Juan, calls and says that the job wasn't expecting us to be there. It seems the district manager forgot to tell them they would be staying until midnight so we could clean their floors. Though I was frustrated, I used this opportunity to bond with my guys. They came over to Zio's, and we ate pizza and drank beer. A fun time was had by all. Well, that's it for today. I will do my best not to ramble on from here on out.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Stinkin! What is it about Omaha? It's not like living in the mountains or next to the beach, but for a lot of people it just keeps drawing you back. It just feels comfortable.
