Monday, April 27, 2009

Stinkin Lincoln Defined

Well, I've done it again. With my lack of street smarts and an urban dictionary on hand, I've gone and composed something that can be taken the wrong way. Apparently "Stinkin Lincoln" in the Urban Dictionary is, "An EXTREMELY smelly bowel movement". I found this out when googling "Stinkin Lincoln" to see if I could find any pictures that might be funny to add to my dashboard. It took me a minute to figure out the connection, but then I got it. I am sure if you take a moment, you too will understand, especially if you had a set of Lincoln Logs as a child, or like me, as an adult. Though there are parts of Lincoln that smell very distinct, I would never refer to it as an EXTREMELY smelly bowel movement, mildly maybe, but never EXTREMELY. Really, Omaha is more reminiscent of a Stinkin Lincoln than Lincoln is. I will never forget that aroma coming from the packing houses by my grandparents house in South Omaha. That is a smell you will never forget. See, Lincoln isn't all bad.

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