Monday, March 22, 2010


Well, here we go again. In a little over 8 weeks, if all goes well, I will be heading on a trip with my dive buddies. Of course, this means it's time for a weight loss program. I have a bad feeling about this. Usually, I am pretty stoked for trying to lose weight especially when there is a date that the goal needs to be met. I am kind of a deadline person. You could give me 6 months to do a two week task, and I would wait until I had 13 days, 23 hours, 55 minutes and 34 seconds before I got started. I don't like to think of it as being a procrastinator, I prefer to the term deadline motivated. I sometimes think I thrive on the stress. But I digress. Getting back to my point, I am not very excited about this next ride on the Yo-Yo-Diet-Express. The last few times I have really put a great deal of effort into my weight loss, I ended up losing just a few pounds. Which, this is better than nothing, but for all that sacrificing of food I enjoy and the Sweating to the Oldies I end up doing, I sure as heck better get some results.

To get things started, I am going to swear off alcohol, but especially beer. Yep, you heard me, beer. That golden nectur of the gods must stay on the shelf at the store instead of in it's home, AKA, my belly. (Except on Tuesday's or Saturday's. Yes, these days shall be Miller time! And they will be good.) Also, I will be resisting the temptation that is Runza and anything else that is battered, fried and then dipped in some sort of sauce and/or dressing. Instead, I think I will be subsisting on soup. I have discovered a vegan deli/coffee shop that may just have some of the best soups I have ever tasted. Now remember, I live in Stinkin' Lincoln, therefore, unlike my friends in Omaha, I don't have a great selection of places like this. But, should you ever be in this god forsa...I mean Lincoln, try a bowl of soup at The Cup. (You can find it on I think this is a good way to start.

After this month is over, I will then start to incorporate a thing called ex-er-cise into the program. I hear it can do wonders to help you lose weight. Although, it is probably just one of those gimics like taking your blood pressure, washing your hands or buckling your seatbelt. There's always someone out there buying what your selling. Crazy fools. Nonetheless, I will be giving exercise a go. So, if you see me, give some encouragement. If you see me eating at Runza, take the Runza out of my hands, throw it on the floor, begin jumping up and down on the "food" and yell, "You ain't gonna lose weight like this, fatty!". At which time you will no doubt be lead out by Runza management and asked to never return. But I will be eternally greatful.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should takes laxatives. Oh wait, 'Runza' is the Nebraska term for laxative. Sorry, I'm not much help.
