Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Facebook Junkie

I have a confession to make. I am a bit of a Facebook junkie. I am addicted to seeing what friends, past and present, old and new, are up to. What was really strange was going and looking at people I went to school with nearly 20 years ago and have not talked to many of them since. Whenever you close your eyes and go back to that nightmare that was high school, you always envision your old classmates the way they were; young and thin, with the girls having big hair and the guys sportin' a mullet, or perhaps a perm. The popular people that you were afraid to even talk to. (Speaking as someone that was not popular. Well liked, yes, popular, no.) The jocks that were too cool for anyone but the cheerleaders. The cheerleaders that some how had the power to turn me into a complete blithering idiot. Then there were the people that I was cooler than. (How I did feel sorry for those 5 people.) The girls and guys that got no attention from the opposite sex, either because they were a nerd or a little chubby, if you will.

Flash forward to the modern age of Facebook. Looking through the people that I went to school with, there are some that haven't changed very much at all. But then you have others that have changed A LOT! Some for the good, and some for the bad. There are some people that I am really happy for because they were some of the nicest people, but ignored because of their outward appearance, but now, they are the complete package and look better than ever. Then there are others that were jerks because of how wonderful they were. But now they are 50 lbs over weight and balding.

It's also fun to look at people's kids. Even though it's been 19 years, it seems like most of the old classmates didn't get started with the kids up until the last 12 years of so. But you look at those kids and can see the resemblance they have to their parents during their glory years.

Really though, what I enjoy about Facebook the most is keeping in touch with many of the friends I had some of the best times of my life with. Most of these people were in my life between 1992-1996. I have had some great times since being married, and I wouldn't trade my wife for the chance to be single again. (She truly is THAT great.) But MAN did I have some fun between the ages of 19-23. Sadly, most of the people that I shared that fun with, I don't get to see hardly ever. And, when I do get to see them it's briefly. So, Facebook has been a nice way to be able to keep tabs on some old friends. You get to watch their kids grow up. You get to hear some of the interesting things that happen to them from day to day. You get to see when they drop a mirror on their arm and cut themselves down to the bone. (You know who you are.) So, it's interesting on many levels.

But then there is the dark side of Facebook. You know, things like Farmville and Farmtown, and people that feel it's necessary to post a comment every time they go to the bathroom. (Size, color, and consistency.) Plus, Bozos that post 61 pictures of them self. (Guilty as charged.)

Yes, like everything else, Facebook has it's good points and it's bad points. But, also like anything else you find on the internet, if you are careful, it's something that can be used for the good, to stay in touch with past and present friends. I think of it as email with pictures. So, do your best to use it for the good. Which includes not sending me any that has to do with Farmville or town. Don't make me unfriend you.


  1. I would NEVER give a junkie anything to send him to the rehab farm.

  2. Nice to hear I was a part of those years... yes those were some fine times in Omaha, Lincoln, and elsewhere. ;)
