Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Human Race = Retards

I have a confession to make. I am an eaves dropper. I don't know that it is always on purpose, but I find myself listening to other people conversations on quite a regular basis. I like to think of it as something to do with my being an only child. An only child is always looking for things to entertain themselves. I think I have always viewed listening to other peoples conversations as entertainment. The things I hear very from "who cares" to scandalous. For those of you that don't understand only children, if you are talking and someone who happens to be an only child is just sitting there staring into space, or looking like they are contemplating the meaning of life, we are probably just soaking up everything that is going on in a room. I bring this up because I have come to a conclusion about people in general. Are you ready for this? Well, ready or not, here it comes! We, as the human race, are retarded!

I know some people may find this term offensive, but I figure I have offended plenty of people up to this point, it can't get much worse now. As I walk around and just peep in here and there on conversations everywhere, people are always complaining about other people. And rightly so. We are ALL, myself included, a bunch of absolute morons. Most of the time we think we are in the right, but in actuality, we are usually in the wrong. Try as we might, our selfish, imperfect selves get in the way of anything we might try to accomplish. I sometimes find myself thinking I am above such things, but then at a moment of clarity, like right now, I realize I could quite possibly be the biggest retard of all. I say things that hurt people. I throw a fit about things when I should just say, "Thank you" and move on. I roll my eyes when I should just say, "You know, maybe you are right." And I fart in your general direction when you tell me the obvious things I should already have gathered.

The reality of it all is we really should just all think of ourselves as the lowest person on the planet. Think about it. If we all went around thinking everyone was superior to us, everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, would go so much smoother and maybe we would never get mad at other people for standing in our way, or if they say something insensitive. Maybe, if someone said something about us, we would look at it and say, "Maybe there is some shred of truth to what they are saying about me", and then try to make some changes to better ourselves.

But no. We all choose to be idiots (myself included), and view ourselves as the superior one. "Why did that idiot step on my foot and not say he was sorry?" It's thinking like this that makes me wonder how we haven't killed each other off by now. But, the human race lives on.

Yet, even with this revelation of mine, tomorrow, someone will be in my way, or step on foot, and I will wonder why this person has come into my the screenplay that is my life and ruined the scene. When in reality, I should just look at them, smile and ask them if I am in their way. Ugh! It really sucks being human.

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