Saturday, October 24, 2009

Let's Talk Some Football

Since our subject matter is supposed to be about Stinkin' Lincoln, let's talk about Stinkin' Lincoln's pride and joy, the Nebraska Cornhuskers. I don't even know how to start this off. The Huskers offense is horrible. How's that? It is a crying shame to have such an incredible defense with a guy that came back for his senior year and gave up millions of dollars to do so and have such a pathetic excuse for an offensive unit. Many people want to point the finger at one person, that being Zac Lee. However, it's not just Lee, though he is part of the problem. Still, it's not his fault if he throws the ball right between the numbers and his receiver drops the pass. It's amazing that you can go from having two slow white guys as your leading WRs from last season to a bunch of guys that are head and shoulders above the guys from last year athletically, but the only thing they can catch is H1N1. Then what was supposed to be the Husker's strength going into the season, their running game, has either fallen flat, fumbled the ball away or not been given a chance to succeed by their offensive coordinator. I understand that I haven't played the game before at the college level and it's hard for me to understand, but, I have eyes, I have seen what can be accomplished when they are given the chance. Every time the Huskers start playing the power game, they have success. But if there is one little hiccup, Sean Watson goes away from it. Yet they will pass the ball rain or shine, completion or interception until the cows come home.

So, this all begs the question, what is wrong and how do they fix it? Now, I am no expert, but I have made some observations. From what I hear in the Husker camp, the team is very business like in their approach to preparations to games. Whereas I do feel this has it's place, maybe it's making the team a little too uptight. Maybe if they would just relax and have some fun they wouldn't be pressing so much and coming in tight. Last week they gave up some early points in the first quarter, and then this week we see the same thing. Is it perhaps time to just have a few shots of Jack Daniels before they head out for the Tunnel Walk? Heck, it worked for the Boston Red Sox, why not us. The team just simply seems to be trying TOO hard.

Another possible problem is attrition. This is a normal process in the College Football world. Players will leave teams, or be kicked off teams, that is as sure as the sun coming up tomorrow. But, it has hit the Huskers pretty hard this last year. We had our co-number 1 quarterback, in Patrick Witt, quit the team because the coaches wouldn't declare him the starter before the start of spring camp. Then you have Quentin Castille being booted off the team for reasons that I will not go into. When both of those guys left, I figured the team was bigger than those two guys. Turns out, maybe the team isn't. It has become abundantly clear why Witt was the number 2 guy last season ahead of Zac Lee. Plus, we see why Castille was the number 2 guy ahead of about 6 other mediocre running backs.

No matter the reason, I hope the Husker coaching staff can figure out what to do. Pelini is an incredible defensive coach. I just hope he figures out who he can trust on the offensive side of the ball. I like Bo, and I want to see him succeed here in Nebraska. The nice thing is, Tom Osborne knows the value of giving a coach time to figure things out. Therefore, Pelini won't have to worry about his job, at least for the foreseeable future.


  1. Let's talk about weather in Nebraska. I don't get nearly as upset.

  2. yea i have to stop watching nebraska football. gets my blood pressure going too high.
