Friday, July 24, 2009

Blog Medley

Today is a new day. Therefore I am over my wonderful experience that I had last night at the big box stores. The conclusion of the story goes a little somethin' like dis: Rather than wasting my time driving to the stores, I let my fingers do the walking. I first called Menards, because you save big money at Menards, and just as I thought the guy I dealt with last night didn't pass on the message. I get the Pro Desk, the real thing this time, and the gentleman I was talking to was able to quote me a price right there and then. Strange. Next was Home Depot, the lady took my name and number and was going to call me back with the prices. Never got a return phone call. Guess who I am going with?

Now on to something different. If you have been reading my blog with any sort of regularity, you may have read about the garden I planted in the spring. Regardless, here is my garden update. The strawberries we planted last year went insane. We must have picked a couple gallons of strawberries. Then there was the dog's share. Lucy will eat anything. Apparently, her two favorites are strawberries and tomatoes. It must amaze her that there is just food every time she goes there. Well, that is until the first freeze. Then for two months she is confused as to why there are no more tomatoes out there. But, she usually finds a frozen green one she can suck on.

Next we have our squash and cucumbers. Usually we plant more squash than we need because we always have two of the three plants die. Last year, none of the squash plants survived so I planted four this season. As luck would have it, (It's just an expression, calm down!) not a single squash plant died. So, if you want any squash, come on down to Stinkin' Lincoln. The cucumbers have done equally well. That means pickles galore. (Kind of sounds like a character in a James Bond flick.)

Then we have our tomatoes. Last year, we were the envy of the entire neighborhood. The plants were lush, and huge, so much so that I wish I would have taken a picture. As it turns out, it was a case of a blind squirrel finding a nut rather than me knowing what I was doing. This year, we have all but struck out. We planted four plants. One died, one has some sort of disease, and the other two are producing tomatoes, but they are the worst plants I have ever had that survive. Very few leaves, so the tomatoes are getting scorched by the sun.

Well, this was by far one of the most boring blogs I have written. Tomorrow, I will do better. Unless of course I find something else to gripe about. But, it's the weekend, what could possibly go wrong? (Put that on my tombstone.)

1 comment:

  1. I know for a fact James Bond only grew olives for martinis.
