Thursday, July 30, 2009

Night Shift Sucks!!!

I am exhausted. Being a night worker for most of my life, when I do have to get up early, I find it a strange feeling to be tired before the crack of dawn. But I like it. I love being able to go to bed early and, subsequently, being able to get up early. I used to LOVE to stay up late and sleep the day away when I was younger. Even after getting married, I like to stay up late. There was a short stint where I tried to get up early and go to bed as soon as I got home. The problem with that was, I would rush through my jobs because I was so tired, and my workmanship started to slide. I made the adjustment of making sure I got both my 8 hours of sleep and slept as late as the next days activities dictated. But now, here I am, almost 37 years old. I am not old yet, but I am not really young either. Therefore, I have gone from loving these late nights, to wishing I could lead a more normal life. I think I would still stay up late from time to time, but there is a lot to be said for seeing as much sunlight as you can in a day. As it is now, I sometimes feel like a vampire, without the casket and blood sucking of course. This is especially the case in the winter months. Work all night until 3 AM, get something to eat, watch a little TV, write a blog, go to bed at 5 AM, get up at 1 PM and you get 3 maybe 4 hours of sunlight. No wonder I feel like driving my car off a bridge into the Missouri River in the winters.

It's not just the sunlight that I miss while sleeping the day away. There is also breakfast. When you get up in the afternoon, the only place you are getting any sort of breakfast is IHOP (aka ICRAWL), or McBrandon's. As a result, I partake in a breakfast feast anytime I can. I love breakfast. Pancakes, French Toast, eggs, bacon, waffles and toast. Not all at one sitting, mind you, but those are a few of my favorite things.

Now, all this being said, I will never be a morning person. I won't be one of those bubbly obnoxious people that come in and get in your face and yell, "GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE!!". Those people should all be hearded into a cattle truck and driven to ________________ and _______________! (Please post in the comments what you think should be in the blanks, I'm too tired to be witty.)

Well, for some reason I find myself craving French Toast. Ithink it's time for some midnight breakfast. Cheers!

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