Saturday, August 1, 2009

A Purist In the Purest Sense

We are currently in the process of siding our garage. Keeping in the same style as our house, we have chosen to put up cedar siding. Many people think I am stupid for doing so, with having to paint it, and it's a little more difficult to install, and it is a bit pricey. But what it boils down to is, I am a purist in the purest sense. I live in a house that was built in 1917 for a reason. I love old things and the way they were made. I sometimes laugh at some of the things the old farmer that built this house did. Apparently having things plumb, level and/or square were optional in the early 20th century. Regardless, things were still built better back then. All the lumber in my house is the real deal, 2x4s, 2x6s, 2x8s, etc. are all true to size. The wood floors have a patina on them that you can only get in aged wood. Because of my strict purism, I had to use cedar siding. The thought of putting, of all things, vinyl siding up makes me throw up in my mouth a little. (Too much information?) I realize that vinyl siding is virtually maintenance free, but do you realize it takes hundreds of thousands of year for vinyl siding to decompose in a landfill, should it ever end up there. I'm not a "tree hugger", per se, but it does pain me to think about something sitting in the ground forever.

So, I have to go the cedar siding route. When everyone around me is trying to make old things look like they were built yesterday, I will continue to stay true to my purist ways. See you at the antique store.