Sunday, August 23, 2009

I Have Been Reborn!

(Yet another shameless ploy to use a picture of Marissa Miller.) I love sports! My favorite sport to watch is football, hands down. This is my favorite time of year. The weather is still warm, but football season is gearing up for some action. But, my favorite sport to play is baseball. Why? Because I am, or at least used to be, good at it. I played baseball last night for the first time in probably 8 years. That being the case, I am not nearly as good as I used to be. The nice thing about baseball for a guy that is horribly out of shape is that there is time in between plays to rest up and catch your breath. However, I will say, there was one time that I was praying the ball wouldn't be hit my way because I would have puked if I had to run after another ball. But, back in my hay day, I liked playing center field. I liked that position for two reasons, number one, my favorite player, Kirby Puckett, was a center fielder, and two, I loved to run after every ball that was hit in my general direction. Plus as a bonus, you don't get many line drives bouncing off your face when playing centerfield. But now, I am in no shape to be playing centerfield. Therefore, last night, I started out in rightfield. Yep, that's right, the position that is reserved for the worst fielder on the team. Actually, I volunteered for the position because I wasn't sure what I could, and could not do compared to my younger days.

After getting out of that inning, it was our turn at bat. The captain must have thought he knew something I didn't, because he had me lead off. It's funny to me that a game that means nothing can give a lead off hitter such butterflies. I had stepped into the batting cages about 5 years ago, and I remember it hurting back then. But, that was before I had three surgeries to "fix" my shoulders. The first time I swung the bat, I totally missed the ball, plus their was a twinge of pain. That got the butterflies really going. After a few bad pitches, I swung again, but this time I connected! It was a chopper right at the second baseman that was fielded cleanly and thrown to first base for the out.

Next thing I know we are back on defense. Once I figured out that I could throw, and that I could sort of run, I let our team captain know I could play third base if he needed me to. You see, our third baseman SUCKED! He was the weakest link... Good bye! Fortunately, another guy wanted to play third. I am not fond of line drives there in the "hot corner" due to the fact I have taken one too many off the face. Anyhow, that left me at second base. I don't mind second. In fact, I ended up making a double play when a line drive came to me (not off the face) and I quickly threw it to first base to double up the baserunner. It felt awesome.

The bottom of the second inning and I find myself at bat with two out and two runners on base. This time though, it was different. I had knocked the rust off and realized it didn't hurt that much to swing a bat. So now, it's game on! After fouling a couple off, I swung the bat nice and easy and just about hit it out of the park. I was still a good 30 feet short, but it went much farther than I thought it would. Regardless, it went sailing over the center fielders head for a stand up double.

I can't tell you how exhilarating it is to find out you are not as old as you think you are. Yeah, I am out of shape and definitely not as young as I used to be, but when it comes to baseball, I can still hold my own. If nothing else, last night has given me incentive to get back in shape. I really don't want to waste the last 4 or 5 years of "youth" that I have left. Maybe I should start injecting the "juice" so I can be like all the major leaguers out there. Call it a mid-life crisis if you will. Next think you know, I will own a 1972 Corvette with 427 big block. Truth be told, I have been waiting my whole life for my midlife crisis.

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