Saturday, August 29, 2009

Future of Communication, FTW

Txtin is roonin d wrld. I have been laid up for the past few days. I had a little minor inconsequential surgery. I won't bore you with the details, plus I don't want to tell you about it anyway. As a result, since Thursday afternoon, I have been laying here with computer in lap, shopping on eBay for some needed SCUBA equipment, reading about fantasy football for next weekends draft, and reading Husker insider's posts on my friends account. You would think that most of the people that would be writing the things on the websites I have been looking at would be fairly intelligent people. I gather from what most of the posters on say that they are college students or graduates. The people on eBay, you would think, would want to impress people with their intelligence so their potential customers would take them seriously. Especially when they are selling something that could mean life or death, like a SCUBA regulator. But what I find instead are people that can't spell. Now, I do not claim to be a spelling-bee champ from way back or anything remotely close to that. In fact, up until the past 10 years or so, I was a terrible speller. But, I think that over the years, writing up bids, contracts, and just goofing around with stuff like this blog has made me a better speller. I have only spellcheck to thank for that. I still goof up stuff like their and there every once in a while, but that is just because of my awesome typing speed. My fingers move faster than my brain most of the time. I just know that if I were an avid eBayer, I would want to make sure everything was spelled properly so people wouldn't think I was some sort of moron. For instance, today I was looking at regulators for diving. I don't think I want to purchase something of that significance from someone that spells compass, compus. Nor do I want to purchase something from someone that says they have many 'dive watchs' to choose from. Am I alone in this?

Then you have your Husker "insiders" that post all the various details of Husker football player's lives that they go to class with. These guys, for the most part, can't even type a complete sentence, plus they can't spell worth a lick. (worth a lick?) This seems to go for most people of that age bracket. The place where I get my occasional massages, this summer, they had an intern working there from the local massage school. At the end of the internship, he had to write a paper that stated what he learned during his internship and turn it in to his teacher. The intern asked my massage therapist to read his paper so he could critique it. My massage therapist told me it was like reading a text message from someone. Words were shortened up, spelled incorrectly and used incorrectly. Sentences were incomplete, and the thoughts were all over the place. That's our future. These are the future leaders of the free world. ROFL! We r scrwd, ftw!