Friday, August 14, 2009

Walmart People

I have come to the realization that if I am having writers block, all I have to do is go to Menards. Not only do you save big money at Menards, you also run into alot of incredibly dumb people. My theory on why this is so, is the location of the Menards I frequent. You see, it is right next door to a giant Walmart. I am sorry if you shop at Walmart, but even if you do, you have to admit, Walmart draws some very I.Q. challenged characters. You go there and you start looking around the neighborhood for the trailer park. And, I know for a fact there is not a trailer park anywhere near this particular Walmart. Yet, the trailer... people come from far and near, mostly far, to shop at their one reason for living, Walmart. But, sometimes Walmart doesn't have the one thing they need. So, they go next door to the Menards. I am actually starting to appreciate it due to the ammunition it gives me for my blog. Anyhow, to my story.

I went to Menards the other day to get some trim for the outside of my garage. I went in and got everything I needed and headed to the checkouts. I get in line and when it's my turn I push my cart up so the cashier can ring me up. Now, at the Menards I go to, there is a register on the right and one on the left with the two lines of customers pretty much standing next to each other. There is enough room though that if you need to walk around your cart to get in front of it that it's no big deal. So, as I push my cart up to the cashier, I then go to try to step around to the front of my cart so I can get to where the debit card scanner is. Before I can get up there a 17 year old girl who was with her mother (Walmart people), tries to go around her mother with her cart and realized she couldn't make it around her rather stout mother. She just stops and stands there. I politely said, "Excuse me.", and she just looked at me blankly. I ended up having to move her cart while she was holding it to get by. As I walked by her cart I glanced at her to see if I had made her angry or maybe she would have realized she was in the way, and she still had that blank look on her face. Apparently she was very excited about her purchase. I still am not sure what it was but it was in a very large box. Her and her rotund mother then headed out to their vehicle while I was paying for my items. Once paid for, I headed out to the truck. That's when I noticed the two Walmart people at their car trying to stuff that giant box in their car. They tried the trunk, the back seat, the front seat and the back seat from the opposite side. The whole time the daughter is yelling at the mother, as if it's the mothers fault it won't fit. Having a feeling I was about to be offered some sort of reward for driving their package back to their trailer (this has happened to my 4 times at this Menards, Walmart people must think they can get a square peg in a round hole), I hurriedly put my items in my truck and was ready to bolt. That's when this nice man that was parked next to me offered to help them. He suggested taking it out of the box and see if it would fit that way. Next thing you know, he has it in there. That's when the guilt set in. Though I have rationalized it away by now, at the time, I wondered why I am not as nice as that guy. I guess we will never know. But one thing I do know is that a Menards next to a Walmart is excellent fodder for blogging!


  1. Somewhere out there is an Ozark White Trash Blog, complaining about sophisticated people like you that they bump into at Menards. If I find it, I'll send you the link.

  2. If it hadn't have fit out of the box, the girl probably would have started cussing out the nice man. She then would have to return the item, but being out of the box, Menards may not have taken it back, thus leading to a Menards employee being cussed out. I think shopping at Wally World requires a certain amount of swear words quota before you leave the store. By the way, is that a picture of the nice man, and did he help you also?

  3. Bob, I purposely avoided using the words, white trash, and I would ask you to do the same. That's just down right offensive!
