Thursday, August 6, 2009

Lesson Learned...For Now

About once a year, I will have "one of THOSE jobs". The kind where most everything goes wrong. I foresee it taking 8 hours, and it ends up taking 14 hours instead. The worst part is all night I am just thinking, "I can't believe I bid this at $$$ when I should have bid it at $$$$. Every hour that passes I think, "Will this night ever end?". It actually used to happen at least a couple times a year, but I think maybe with age, and experience, I have been able to keep it at bay. You can bet that it won't happen again for a while. Right now my legs, feet, back, shoulders, and neck all hurt. If anything, that painful reminder of why I don't want to short myself either help or money will make me a little gun shy. I will probably lose the next 3 or 4 bids because I don't want to have another night like last night. But, 6 or 7 months from now I will want to go on a trip or buy some toy and I will start lowering my prices. Until, all of a sudden, I am having one of THOSE jobs again. The really sad thing is that my wife told me to not do this particular job due to the fact that the guy I did it for is a cheapskate. (Cheap skate? What does that mean?) Oh, and it just so happens that he is a City Councilman her in Stinkin Lincoln. Funny how most people here in this place are cheap. But, of course I didn't listen. But, this experience means that I will listen intently when my wife gives her opinion on a matter for a least 6 or 7 months. So, I guess that means at 6 months of success. I look forward to it!

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