Monday, August 10, 2009

Bowling, Yo!

About once a year my wife and I get a group together and bowl a few frames. Sadly, as time has passed, it is the one thing that I can do that still makes me feel fairly athletic. But tonight, bowling made me feel old. Not because of my bowling prowess, or lack thereof, but because we went to "Glow Bowl". On Sunday nights at the particular bowling alley we went to, they have a time between 9:30-11:30 PM that they turn off all the regular lights and turn on the black lights. Everything is glowing, thus the name. This is nothing new, every time we go, we go during this gimmick. Rather, what made me feel old is all of the teeny-boppers there and the music they played while we were there. It was really hard to tell how old the kids were that were there. Some were drinking, so I would assume they would be college aged, but you never know. The clothes most of them, especially the girls, wore made me blush. The music they played made me puke. I hate to sound like my parents, but every song they played sounded exactly like the previous one. They had music videos playing on a screen that went with the music, and every group was gimmick after gimmick. Lady Gaga, freak show, and talent is not her middle name. She just came up with something a little different than the next talentless hack. Plus, the majority of the "hip-hop" songs that were played were just one little catch phrase repeated ad nauseam. Yet, somehow, these morons make more in a week than I make in a year. I guess I should just come up with some quirky, yet catchy phrase and then put it to some technotronic beat. I could make a mint, yo! I think I just choked while trying to swallow my pride. I am not sure if what I experienced tonight is a sign of the times that we are living, or just the typical boy becomes man, man becomes old man scenario. Most likely, it's a little of both.


  1. I feel your pain brother. I'm in no way a prude when it comes to music, but todays artists couldn't play background elevator music, compared to yesterday's artists. By the the way, last time out, my high score was 144!

  2. Bless you, my son; you have seen the light!! Mom and Dad
