Monday, August 3, 2009

Super-Size Me!

I feel like garbage. The reason for this can be summed up in the old adage, "you are what you eat". Last week that meant I was fast food. Just thinking about how much of it I ate this past week makes me a little queasy. With doing business stuff and putting siding on my garage, I have been too busy to eat anything but fast food. Actually, if my wife wasn't also busy I would have been okay. But it was a "fend for yourself" week when it came to lunch. Therefore, I feel like I have gained 5 pounds, and have that wonderful bloated feeling that comes with salt injected, grease laden, junk food that you stuff your face with. There is an interesting expression, "stuff your face". I wonder if fast food joints came up with that one so you would think about what you are really stuffing. Anyhow, lately, I have been trying to avoid fast food, if for no other reason than if I have a cheeseburger from Wendy's, or worse yet, Don and Millie's, I gain 7.5 pounds. So, this week it's nothing but turkey sandwiches and fruit for lunch. It's interesting getting older. I have never been skinny, but there was a time I could go to the pool and take off my shirt and not have women and children (and men for that matter) running for the exits. But then I turned 35. The metabolism slowed to a crawl but the hunger pangs, and more specifically, the cravings came with the same regularity. I have lost and gained weight off and on for the last 6 years or so. I think it is time to get back on the horse and try, try again. What fad diet should I try? How about something that makes me poop a lot? Or, what about going vegan? I guess those are kind of one in the same. At any rate, send me your diet ideas. If you know my email, drop me a line. If you don't, make a comment. Or make a comment and drop me a line. Or, I guess you could call. Maybe we will see each other this weekend. If so, tell me then. Send it by carrier pigeon if you must. Just send it! (Can you feel the desperation?)


  1. You're not fat, just vertically challenged. Besides, you don't want your wife to be able to get her arms ALL the way around you, do you? If that happens, she'll be taking you down!

  2. Although I don't know the details.... some are swearing by a diet that involves the urine of pregnant women. i'm not sure if you have to find the pregnant women yourself or if you can purchase said urine.......

  3. I would think any urine would work. You drink, you puke. Simple as that.
