Monday, August 31, 2009

Fall In the Air

Is it just me, or does Fall seem to be in the air? I went outside to head to work tonight, and I seriously thought about grabbing a sweatshirt. It was down right chilly. But, I decided to just grin and bear it. In a couple months we all be wishing it was 60 degrees during the day, let alone the night. Actually, I like the cool, crisp air of Autumn. Being a person who sweats somewhat uncontrollably at times, I like the prospect of walking from the car to the house without bursting into a sweat. My sweat usually comes on so fast when it's hot and humid that if you are standing too close to me you might get sprayed with sweat when it shoots out my pores. Okay, okay, I am exaggerating slightly. But only slightly. So, yes, I am looking forward to this most wonderful part of the year. If I have one complaint about Fall, it's that it isn't long enough. So, if fall is getting started now, it could be a nice long enjoyable season. Actually, it's been a very nice Spring and Summer thus far. It only got super hot a few times, and the humidity level seemed to be tolerable most of the time. In fact, if it was like this every year, I might actually enjoy living here. But, we won't go that far. Anyhow, fall does usually seem to fly by, so it's time to start planning for the next couple months so I can get the most out of it. One thing I know for sure is I have to go camping at least once, hopefully twice. I am not much on camping in the hot weather. You can't enjoy the camp fire and between the bugs and sweat squirting out of my body, it's not a fun time for me. So, when it's cool, and sometimes even cold, I love to go camping. I will say though, if you go camping in the cold, go with your wife or husband. This embarrassing story will highlight why. A few years ago, I went camping with my dog, Lucy, and an old buddy of mine. It must have gotten into the 20's overnight because Lucy's water bowl was frozen over in the morning. Before going to bed, it wasn't too bad. We sat by the camp fire sipping brandy and threw log after log on the fire. I thought my dog was going to spontaneously combust because she was sitting so close to the fire pit. But, then we headed off to the tent. Having a dog while cold weather camping is a must. Having two dogs while cold weather camping is a luxury! Anyhow, Lucy plopped down between me and my old buddy and we were competing for her attention since she is like having an electric blanket in the tent. Eventually we fall asleep. The next morning, I wake up and Lucy had moved down closer to our feet. I did not realize this. So, I roll over to snuggle up to my nice warm dog, and to my horrified surprise, I was snuggling up to my buddy. Now, I am about as confident in my sexuality as they come. There is no chance that I am gay. I find women to be way to amazing to ever find some big hairy guy attractive. For the life of me, I will never understand the whole concept. But, there is something very disconcerting about waking up while holding another man that closely. It was kind of like that scene out of "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles", only, fortunately, my hands were not between two pillows. But, we did immediately jump up and start talking about the Huskers. Thus the importance of cold weather camping with your wife or husband. Although, for some reason, women don't get a eeked out by human contact with the same sex. I wonder why that is? Oh well. Good for them, I guess. Well, now that I have thoroughly embarrassed myself, I guess I will head off to bed...with my beautiful WIFE!

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes, spooning by the campfire with your good buddy. Don't you just love camping?
