Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Embarrassing Moment

Though I could take this experience to my grave and no one would be the wiser, I have to share this embarrassing moment. As a member of the Building Service industry, I, like my brethren, have an unwritten rule. If it's in the break room, out in the open, it's fair game. I'm not talking about something unopened, it must have the seal broken, otherwise you have crossed the line. When you are working late at night, busting hump trying to get done, you rarely stop for so much as a drink of water (if you did you would screw up the drinking fountain you just cleaned), let alone to grab a bite to eat. So, when you see a bag of chips just sitting there, beckoning, it would be rude not to partake. Potato chips taste incredible when your stomach is growling at you like a Pit Bull. Tonight, I started work at 7 PM and by 2 AM I was at my last job. I was so hungry. I step into the break room, and... NOTHING! Come on! So, I go about my business and start cleaning up, when low and behold... A CAN OF PRINGLES! I lightly shake the can to ascertain it's contents. Yep! I lift the lid off, peer inside and I see those gloriously, yet unnaturally curved and processed wonders. There were about a dozen in the can and discombobulated from their usual stack. I reach in and grab two (it's important to never be greedy when partaking of the break room booty), and pop them in my mouth. After about two chews, I notice a strange taste... it's... what is that flavor... it's smokey tasting. At this moment I stop chewing and peer back into the can. It's at this time I finally notice the cigarette butts sitting in the can next to the discombobulated chips. Yes, that's right, someone used it as an ash tray. So, there I am, with a mouth full of chips, wondering what my next move should be. I could run to the restroom about 20 feet away, which houses the only trashcan on that level (why they don't have a trashcan in the break room is beyond me!). No, that's too far. I could spit the partially masticated chips back in the can. No, that breaks a cardinal rule in break room snack time, never leave evidence of your indulging in the sinful treat. I decided to go with option 3, continue chewing and swallow. Gross, I know, but it seemed like the best option at the time. Besides, it's Pringles, do some ashes and cigarette butts really make it that much more gross? Besides, once you pop, you can't stop.


  1. Pringles eaters have the filthiest habits. Why would they pollute their cigarette butts with Pringles? Besides, it's probably a smoke free building? That means no ashtrays. Where else are you supposed to hide the evidence?

  2. We taught you better than that. You got what you deserved.
    Mom Pack a lunch next time.

  3. Wow! That was a good read! I must have been high on nicotine.
