Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Traffic V: Traffic Lights

It's been far too long since my last installment of Stinkin' Lincoln Traffic. Today we will be discussing traffic signals. Without looking back at my previous Traffic blogs, I am sure I have mentioned the fact that the people down at the department of roads here in Lincoln apparently have misplaced the instructions on how to program their traffic signals. Beyond the fact that when you are driving down a given street, most likely, you will hit every stop light red, there are a couple other features of a traffic signal that most normal cities utilize, that are considered frivolous in Stinkin' Lincoln. One feature in particular that I wish they would activate, is setting the traffic signals to flash red, yellow, or green after everybody goes to bed. There is nothing more annoying when I am driving around at night doing my work, and I have to sit and wait for a light to turn green when there isn't another car for miles. That is except for the Stinkin' Lincoln policeman sitting in the parking lot just waiting for someone to "blow the light". What's always kind of "funny" is when you are sitting there for 5 minutes waiting for that stupid light to turn green, and you finally see another car approaching that has the green light. Then when the car is a block away, the light will finally turn green for me and the poor sap has to wait for his light to turn green.

Another feature that used to annoy the snot out of me, but now I am kind of used to it (part of my coping skills), is the lack of turn arrows. They have a left turn lane, though they are almost all too short, and they have a left turn arrow at most of the intersections with turn lanes, but rather than using this feature, the city chooses to only use those left turn arrows between the hours of 5-6 PM. The rest of the day, those turn lanes will be 8 cars deep and the only people to get through the light are the first two people in line that turn when the light is going from yellow to red. The best though, is when you are behind someone that is the next person in line and when the light turns yellow, they just sit there. I kid you not, one time I sat behind a person that sat through 3 cycles of that light before they turned. That person is either a saint, or a retard, and take a guess as to which way I am leaning on that one. (I apologize to all of my retarded readers. I am not saying you are all retarded, I am saying, for those of you that are, I apologize for using that term.)

So, there you have it, more reasons why I am now on a blood pressure medication. More reasons why I hate this place.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, go easy on the retarded saint. Maybe you could bring your regulator and practice underwater breathing while you're sitting at the light.
