Wednesday, September 16, 2009

#13, Good Thing I'm not Supersticious (knock-on-wood)

Break out the champagne! We did. Today my wife and I are celebrating our anniversary. Thirteen years since we vowed to spend the rest of our lives together. That, I am perfectly happy to live with. What came with that vow at the time, was Stinkin Lincoln. You see, my father-in-law said he never wanted to see his daughter live in Omaha. So, me being naive, I said, "Yes, sir!", when I should have done what I learned a while back. A district manager for the company we do better than half of our work for once told me when a manager is being difficult, "just let a sleeping dog lay". In other words, just say, "sure, I will take care of that right away", then just ignore the request. That has been working quite well for me for the past 10 years or so. Because what usually happens is they will make that crazy request, I will say I will take care of it, and then they will just forget about it because it is such a dumb request. So, to my father-in-law I should have said, "Yes, sir!", and then got the heck out of Dodge...or would it be, get the heck back TO Dodge. Either way, I should have gotten out of Stinkin Lincoln. Then again, I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into. I knew the traffic was bad. Anybody can figure that out within a week of driving around. At first you think, "Wow, what a bad traffic day." Then the next day, same thing. The day after that, same thing. That's when you start to think something might be up. By the 5th day, you have it figured out. Stinkin Lincoln, the place where you get no where fast. But, the fact that people are so different here compared to Omaha was a very big surprise.

I just realized how totally off base I got with this installment. My intent was to talk about how great it has been being married to the V Lady for the past 13 years. So, back to that. One thing I figured out about her, she is too good for me. Why she married a clown like me is beyond reason. Granted, I am funny, sometimes I am charming, at the right angle I can be not too bad to look at, and I am fairly intelligent. But, at the time we became interested in one another, I was a loud, obnoxious, and somewhat arrogant fool. But, the thing that we have most in common is our love for Jehovah and that is what makes it work. But, that love motivates her in much better way than it motivates me. I don't want to get to deep into the differences, but on a spiritual level, she is head, shoulders, torso, waist, hips, knees and ankles above me. It's not a question of beliefs. We both believe the same things, she just is amazing the things she is able to accomplish. She is my inspiration.

One thing that really brought us close together is our appreciation for music. We see several Dave Matthews Band shows each year. Some people say we are obsessed. What they don't understand is it's something we enjoy doing together and we always have a great time together. Plus, we always try to see them in different parts of the country so we can see new places. For instance, this year, we went to Milwaukee. Never in a million years would I have any reason to go to Milwaukee. However, cheese is yummy! But Milwaukee, and Wisconsin in general is an overall cool place to go, and we never would have known that had it not been for our equal appreciation for DMB.

Well, I look forward to the next 13 years with my girl. Hopefully she continues to put up with me and my guy trips, my football obsession and my procrastination. If she does, I will continue to put up with her leaving the seat down on the toilet. I mean, how about a little common courtesy!


  1. I didn't know it was your anniversary! Happy 13! I'll buy you a beer this weekend.

  2. I can relate to being stuck somewhere you don't want to be. I've been stuck in the midwest since I married my West Point girl. Fortunately, I can get away with living in Omaha and not having to actually live in West Point. Unfortunately, there are no mountains or oceans or jungles here. Just lots of corn.

  3. Steve, aren't you from Minnesota? There are none of those things there either? Though, there are 10,000 lakes to SCUBA dive in.

  4. True, I am originally from Minnesota. There is a reason that people leave Minnesota. The winters are actually longer than Nebraska winters. Yes, there are lots of lakes, but they are frozen over for 9 months of the year. I'm pushing to live in the Virgin Islands, myself.

  5. Which island is it that has been in the KM the past couple months for having peak Bible studies (or was it publishers?)two months in a row. Sounds like that would be a good place to let your light shine.
