Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Happy Freaking Birthday To Me

September 29, 1972, the day I was born. So, I guess that makes me 37. Yippy. The glory days are gone, time (and gravity) is starting to take its toll. When you are young, birth dates are looked forward to. When you are 9, you can't wait to be 10 so you are in double digits. When you are 12, you can't wait to be 13 so you are a teenager. At 14 you long to be 15 so you can get your learners permit. Then at 15 you start looking forward to 16 so you can drive all by yourself. At 17 you can't wait to be 18 so you can graduate from high school. After that, all attention is focused on your 21st birthday so you can down some free Tequila shots and act like a fool. Finally, you look forward to 24. Why, you ask? Because your auto insurance goes down because the insurance company finally views you as a mature adult. After 24 there is nothing to look forward to. Just counting the years as they speed by with greater and greater valocity. I have enjoyed my 30's up until now. It seems like with each passing year, people start to take you a little more seriously, which can be nice. You finally have the money that you have lacked to do the things you wanted to do, like scuba diving. But, in three short years, I will be 40 and in 13 years I will be 50. Youth is slipping by, it seems. I think that is why I have been doing things that 10 years ago I wouldn't have even considered doing. Things like scuba diving, learning to play guitar, writting a blog, and jogging. Maybe if I keep on this track I am on I will end up doing something really crazy like regular pioneering. I never thought I would even consider, but even right now I am sitting here thinking, "Why not?". I just wish I would have listened to my grandparents when then tried to tell me 30 years ago that I should take advantage of my youth and do things that I might not have a chance to do later. Funny how you can't see what you have until it's gone when you are young. No matter how many people tell you how great you have it when you are young, all you can do is look forward to being older. Well, I am done with that. I hope to stay forever young, but the way time is chugging along, I better really take advantage while I still can. So, WHO'S WITH ME!!??


  1. Talk to me about that when you hit 40. I'll welcome you to the fold. We'll have a party. The low sodium, low fat cheese cake and the benefiber are on me!

  2. This blog reminds me of a movie I once saw: Norman Thayer was being asked how it felt to turn 80. He said, "twice as bad as 40". I take it that, in your case, its twice as bad turning 37 as turning 18. Or maybe 3 or 4 times as bad. Also, in answer to your last question, I'm with ya man, I'm with ya. You are our fearless leader. Where are ya?? DAD
