Friday, September 18, 2009

Isn't It Ironic? Don't Ya Think?

I clean this little hippie coffee shop here in town. You know the type, you walk in and all the baristas are wearing hemp shirts with their hair in dreadlocks, the coffee cups are made of hemp paper and virtually everyone in the shop smokes hemp, or as I like to call it, doobage. The owners of this coffee shop do their very best to be as environmentally conscious as they can. They go to the extra effort to recycle, which means having several trash cans in the back to separate all the recyclables. They even recycle their coffee grounds. A farmer comes in once a week or so and takes a 55 gallon drum full of used coffee grounds. (Do you suppose his cows are all running around all hopped up on caffeine?) Without a doubt, they support "Go Green!". Now, here is the slap your forehead and/or funny part. They have an area where they offer free literature like "The Thrifty Nickle" and in addition their are probably another 15 publications available for your reading pleasure, half of which are dedicated to Green living. Does that strike anyone else as odd? Doesn't that go against what "Go Green" is all about? How many trees died to help promote going green? And to a large extent those publications will go unread and then thrown away, or more likely recycled. For those that say "Go Green" is a bunch of hog wash, they argue that to recycle paper, plastic, metal, etc., takes more energy than to just throw the stuff away and start over. I think that is neither here nor there. I think as long as you are keeping that stuff out of the land fills, and not killing more trees than necessary, that is what "Go Green" should really be about. Nonetheless, why throw unread newspapers on the fire, if you will? Why do they need 8 different magazines about how to lead a "green" lifestyle. I hope I am not the only one seeing the irony of this? It's like if a group was trying to encourage a healthy lifestyle and to promote it they had a bake sale. Or like the picture above that has an ashtray given out by the Singapore Cancer Society. What moron thought that was a great promotional idea? It's an outcome of events contrary to what was, or might have been, expected. Oh, irony, what would I do without you. You make my life complete and happy. Plus you give me stuff to blog about!


  1. The whole 'Go Green' thing is just another gimmick to get the public to think alike, act alike, and best of all, spend alike. Going green is much more than recycling newspaper after reading about green living.

  2. Exactly! The only reason there could possibly be 8 different publications on Go Green is because there is money involved. My of my chemical suppliers was telling me how big of a joke 'Green Chemicals' are. And this is guy that sells the stuff. There are many chemicals out there that could qualify as a green chemical, but unless they pay $50,000 dollars to some company they can't say that it is a green chemical. I think it has to do with copyright laws. Regardless, it's a scam.
