Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Me Or Bill Callahan?

Well, I think the glory days are over. The days where I could pretty much say anything I wanted to on here are done. The days of only having about 3 people (Kevin, Mom and Dad) look at my blog are history. I can't say that it is because it has become too popular. But it's more along the lines of the fact that people just find out about things. Word travels fast as they say. Next thing you know people that you barely know are looking at your thoughts and taking it too seriously. Anyone that knows me knows that most things I say are just for effect. I just want to make people laugh. Some could argue that I do it at the expense of others. Yes and no. Even if I am talking about someone, I don't name names and try to not even give enough information for people to figure out who I am talking about. The problem, you see, is when the person I am talking about wonders into my blog. If someone was blogging about me and said, "...that short, tubby, insensitive jerk...", I would have a pretty good idea they were talking about me. Either that or Bill Callahan. So, to the person I have offended, I apologize. To those that I will offend, and it will happen, not on purpose mind you, but it will happen, I apologize. Sometimes I go too far. But, there are two things you can take comfort in:
1) Most people that look at this are from Omaha, and have no idea who you are.
2) My wife is going to kill me when she finds out about this.
I assume now we will never be buddies, but I am not that great of a guy anyhow. You are not really losing out on much, as I am sure you have already made that assumption. To the rest of you that like me in spite of my faults, I promise to continue my sarcastic blogs, but first, a sensitivity course.


  1. Some people aren't aware they have feelings, until you hurt them.

  2. Kevin, so pretty much I am helping them! I am performing a semi-public service!

  3. i'm hungry. thanks brandon, look what you've done.
