Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Ocean is Calling

Hello all my faithful readers. I apologize for not writing anything for you to read lately. As you may or may not know, I was on a scuba diving trip to Grand Cayman. To say it was fun would be misleading. It goes beyond "fun". It was more in the realm of beguilement, delectation, frivolity, or even perhaps whoopee! The only thing that detracted from my gaiety was the heat and humidity (HA! That rhymed). The one reason I could not live in the Caribbean is the heat and humidity. As I have mentioned in the past, I sweat easily, always have. To put me in that climate is like putting a glass of an ice cold beverage on the picnic table in summer. Next thing you know water is rolling off the side of the glass making little puddles everywhere. That's me, Mr. Puddles. But, I decided that scuba diving is the perfect sport for me. Even though the Atlantic Ocean is around 87 degrees in the vicinity of Grand Cayman, it's still cooler than my body temperature, so I did not get hot while diving. Even if I did get hot, who's going to know. It's a little difficult to tell if someone is sweating when under water. So, there you have it, it's truely the perfect sport for me. The problem with now being in love with the ocean and addicted to scuba diving, I have to figure out what I am going to give up in my life to make it so I can afford to go on a couple dive trips a year. I actually have put some thought into it already. Sadly, Dave Matthews Band is going to have to do without me next year unless they come really close to the Stinkin Lincoln area. Another factor is hopefully the vacation deals on the Internet will continue. Then I have to hope I can talk my lovely wife into going to some remote island where the only thing to do is lay around and drink Mud Slides or Pina Coladas. The latter will be the hardest part. My wife loves to shop. She usually contains herself very well, that is until we go on vacation. That's why she likes to go to cities for vacations. Dallas, New York, Milwaukee, Kansas City, they all have great shopping. Georgetown, Grand Cayman, not so much. That is, unless you have a few thousand dollars burning a hole in your pocket. Everything is quite expensive on an island. So, what to use as a lure? One thing she REALLY wants to do is swim with the dolphins. For all my guy friends that read this, I am not referring to the Miami Dolphins of the NFL, I am talking about the porpoises. That's something that could keep her busy for an an morning while I am diving. But that ain't gonna cut it! Must...dive...MANYMANYMANY...times! I had 5 days in Cayman to dive and I got 13 dives in. The nice thing is usually you do your dives in the morning and then maybe one in the early afternoon, then you have the rest of the day for whatever. But still I am going to have to figure out how to keep her busy so she doesn't drive herself crazy sitting around (if you know my wife, you know sitting around doing nothing is NOT her style), or drink way too many Pina Colodas while waiting for me. I wish she would dive with me, but she doesn't think she could do it. Scuba is not one of those things that you really should be forced to do if you don't want to. The last thing you want is to freak out 80 feet down and make a deadly mistake because you weren't thinking straight. I guess the answer to my quandary, is to find someplace to dive that has a city nearby that can accommodate Mrs. H's needs. Research is in order. Before I head off to do that, let me say that if you have been wanting to learn to scuba dive, or you even just like nature, you MUST learn to dive. It was one of the most thrilling and beautiful experiences of my life. The ocean is already calling me back. On that note, I am off to do some research on dive sites with all the modern conveniences of Dallas. This should be fun.

1 comment:

  1. I think I've solved your problem. Come to Omaha. You can dive in Carter Lake and your wife can hang out with us.
