Friday, September 11, 2009


I am an insomniac. Wow, I just felt like I was at an AA meeting or something. "Hello, my name is Brandon and I am an insomniac." My life is SO the very opposite of being scheduled. My job requires that I be up at different times of the day all throughout the week and then I have my family obligations on the weekends. Here is a typical Brandon week:

Monday: Get up around 10-11 AM. Big work day, take care of any 'fires' that may have been started over the weekend, get supplies, work on equipment, etc. Then usually have a late work night until about 3 AM. Go to sleep around 5 AM

Tuesday: Get up around 12 PM. Usually don't work very late on Tuesdays, since I got church. Usually get to sleep around 3 AM.

Wednesday: Get up around 11 AM. Another Big work day. Almost always an all nighter day, or at least late night job. Get home around 4 AM, asleep by 6 AM.

Thursday: Get up around 12 PM. Scheduling day. Call accounts to set up jobs for the next two weeks. Also, work around the house day. I usually can get to bed "early" on Thursday night. Much like tonight, but sometimes, actually quite often, I wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep.

Friday: Get up anywhere from 11 AM-1 PM, depending on if I was able to catch some Z's last night. Friday is kind of an anything day. Whatever needs to be done is usually taken care of on Friday. Then depending once again on whether I slept well the night before, I either go to sleep at 2 AM or it could be as late as 5 AM.

Saturday: Here is where it gets interesting. I now have to shift into normal mode. We go out in the ministry at 9:30 AM most Saturday's, so that means I have to get my butt out of bed, throw some toothpicks and between my eyelids and get ready to go. Coffee is always a must on Saturdays. I don't care if that means we don't get to the meeting until 9:45 AM, I am getting coffee! Then it's either a 2 hour nap, or force myself to stay awake by never stopping movement. Any sitting down, or worse yet, laying down, will result in the body shutting down instantaneously. Regardless, Saturday is usually do whatever the Mrs. tells me day...until kickoff.

Sunday: Get up at 11 AM or noon. Church goin' day, starts at 1 PM, that is until January 1st when it goes back to 10 AM. Won't that be awesome! Sunday I usually just let my guys do most of the work but we will do some extra stuff from time to time on Sunday's. Usually get to bed around 2 AM.

Well, now you know why I look tired all the time. Because I am. The funny thing is I will be dead tired all day long, but then come about 9 PM, my body is ready to party no matter how little sleep I got last night. I am a big believer that people who sleep during the day don't get nearly as good a quality of sleep as people that live normal lives. There is a reason it is dark and quiet at night. God wants us to be asleep. He lovingly provided us with the perfect environment for sleeping. Yet, here I am, typing when I should be sleeping. I always say, "Why did my father have to be a janitor and not an architect?" It's not the work that I hate, it's the hours you have to keep. Although, it helps to be the boss. I couldn't do this job if I had to take orders from the likes of me. Certainly I would be smarter than myself! (You might have to think about that one a minute, but it's worth the effort.)