Saturday, September 12, 2009

Dancing with the Elderly, the Gay and the Creepy

I have been on this kick lately where I want to try new things. Scuba diving, going places I have never been before, and even this blog is kind of a step out of the norm for me. Tonight, I really ventured outside my comfort zone. My wife, her sister, her sister's boyfriend and myself went, and get this, dancing. I, for one, was not blessed with the feet of Fred Astaire or even Fred Flintstone for that matter. Yet, I found myself on a dance floor getting a free dance lesson from someone of questionable sexuality. We were taught the Samba, or maybe it was the Rumba, nevertheless, it was a mba of some sort. What scares me is it was actually kind of fun. The crowd that was there was leaning towards the one foot in the grave side of life. I seriously thought this one couple was going to fall and break a hip when a waltz came on. All kidding aside, having an older crowd there was actually kind of fun. There was this one little old man there, he kind of reminded me of my grandfather. Short, charming and all the young girls there loved him. Only this guy, unlike my grandfather's luxuriant head of hair, was bald as a cue ball. Come to think of it, he also reminded me of the little old man on Bennie Hill that Bennie would always slap on the head. Anyhow, that man's dance card was full. He even danced with the hostess a couple times. Yep, he was a charmer. Then you had the creepy guys. You could tell they were just there to pick up women. Which was odd, because as far as I could tell there only about 2 or 3 ladies there that came alone. Plus they are the kind of guys I would imagine being on the other end of an Internet chat room, with a studly picture of some other guy as their profile picture so they can hit on teenaged girls even though they are well into their 50's. Maybe they were there if one of the old geezers dropped dead and they could be the first one to ask the widow to dance. At any rate, they were creepy. In spite of the creepy guys, it still was a fun night. So, I guess the point is, it's nice to step out of your comfort zone every once in a while. Blue hairs, homosexuals, and creepy men are so far out of my comfort zone, I may as well have been in Council Bluffs.

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