Friday, September 4, 2009

Go Green!

You know, I am the kind of guy that likes a nice warm and sunny day. But, I think every once in a while, a dreary, rainy, dark day is called for. Number one, it's excellent for either sleeping in, or naps, or better yet, BOTH! I'm getting drowsy just thinking about the symphony of sounds that rain makes as it splash lands on the earth. It reminds me of an old "Frazier" episode where Niles is spending the night with Frazier. Frazier has his bedroom window open and Niles asks him to shut the window because the sound of the rain was keeping him awake. Frazier obliges him and shuts the window. No sooner does Frazier have the window shut, Niles turns on his sounds of nature CD with the sound of, you guessed it, rain. However, unlike Niles, I prefer the real thing. It puts me out like a light!

Not only are rainy days great for sleeping, they also bring out the green of nature. We used to have this spectacular tree in our backyard. It was a Hackberry. It was very old and very big. It had a split in the trunk so we ended up having to cut in down before it fell down. (The one shown in the picture is not ours, but it was the same size and age as ours.) I counted 98 rings when they cut her down. But, when it was still alive, when it would rain the moss would practically glow it was so green. Today as I was driving around in the rain, I was reminded of that old tree. I would look at the trees as I was sitting at a red light and notice how green the moss growing up the side of the trees was. It was pretty amazing. It's what I imagine being in a rainforest would be like. Looking at how green everything was today, it was hard to believe that in a few weeks, the only green we will be seeing is green olive in our martini. So, in a way, it seems like it was the last hoorah of summer in all it's splendid greenness. Sadly, another summer is just about to transform into fall. But what a beautiful summer it was!

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