Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Big Whiskey and the GrooGrux King

Anybody that knows me knows that I am a huge Dave Matthews Band fan. It borders on freakish and embarrassing. You may or may not be aware of the fact that DMB had a new release Tuesday. I, of course, ordered the new CD on the internet from a place that guaranteed the CD would be on my doorstep Tuesday morning. I awoke, and it was what I imagine Christmas morning must be like, without all the pagan rituals that go along with it. I ran downstairs (more like an old man walk, because I feel like an old man when I first get up), and found that THE PACKAGE HAD NOT ARRIVED! I flew into a rage! I kicked the cat, flipped over the dining room table and smashed my guitar on the wall, just like John Belushi in Animal House. Actually, I am just kidding. My wife had already brought the package inside. My wife is also a DMB fan, but her being the wonderful lady she is, she let me open the package. I have now listened to it a couple times, so I wanted to give you my two cents worth, if you care. Even if you don't care you can continue reading just for the entertainment value alone. Though DMB has released two CDs since 2003, it has been 7 years since DMB has released anything worth while. So, would this new CD be worth the effort of opening the CD case? I believe it is. It isn't what you would call classic DMB, but it is much better than their last two releases, Everyday and Stand Up. For true, die-hard DMB fans, I think this CD is something they will be happy with. (Minor side point. This is where my grandmother would point out to me that the word fan is short for fanatic. "You don't want to be fanatical, do you? Yes, grandma, I do!) I am not saying run out today and buy the CD. No, I won't say that unless Dave and the gang give me some backstage passes, or maybe just some front row seats. I would say it even if it wasn't true for both. I am not saying it's not true, but, nor am I saying it is. So, either buy it, or don't. I really don't care. Just don't get it from Limewire, the authorities are cracking down on such things. Plus you would be taking money out of DMB's pocket, and then they might up the price of tickets, and then I would have to pay more. I can't have that. My addiction is on a budget.


  1. Has your wife fixed the dining room table yet?

  2. Yes, but we are still working on super glueing the guitar back together.
