Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Horrid Weather = Great Garden

It seems that everybody is sick of the heat already. Everybody, that is, except the plants in my garden. While the rest of us were enjoying the nice cool, almost perfect, spring, my garden was just putting along. The garden did pretty well in the sense that all the seeds I planted came up, and all the plants I bought did reasonably well, save for the one tomato plant that died. But it seemed as though the plants were not getting as big as they normally do. I did everything I religiously do for my garden. I went to the dump and got a truck load of compost mixed with black dirt and added it to the top of my garden. I have kept it relatively weed free. I added Epsom salt to the tomatoes and peppers. I fertilized all my plants. The only thing I didn't do as much as I should have was water more. But the garden was watered at least 3 times a week. Even with all of this, the garden did not thrive as much as it has in years past. Last year I had people driving by, stop and tell me they had never seen such beautiful tomato plants. For the record, they were quite lovely. But this year it had not lived up to my expectations. That is until the heat, humidity, and rain came. You can do all the gardening you want to. You can water as much as you can. But nothing, NOTHING, beats a good rain and some humidity to make plants happy, especially tomato plants. Though I hate this type of weather, I will tolerate it as long as it gives me a bountiful harvest. If it doesn't, I may as well move to Canada. Toss me a Molsen, eh.

1 comment:

  1. What's with the Epsom salt secret??? I've never heard of that.... my tomatoes seemed to double in size overnight with this weather. We sound like a couple of old people....... but nothing beats a perfect summer tomato, warm from the garden, with a little salt........
