Monday, June 1, 2009


You may have noticed in one of the comments from one of my Stinkin' Lincoln followers in an earlier post this week, that my multi-tool was brought up. What that is all about is back when I went Morrel mushroom hunting earlier this spring, prior to that trip I fulfilled a life long dream of owning a multi-tool, in this case a Leatherman. As it turned out, it came in quite handy that trip. The bottle opener alone was worth the purchase. Plus we used it to cut the mushrooms from the ground rather than plucking them, so as to not mix in any dirt with our mushrooms. Yes, these uses and others made my purchase a wise one. I had another opportunity to use my multi-tool this weekend up in Hot Springs, SD. I was one of many volunteers that helped in building a meeting place for the local congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. It's funny when you have an opportunity to use a newly acquired multi-tool. A sweet old lady asks, 'Do you have anything that can cut this rag in two pieces?' My response, 'No, sorry, I d.... OH! WAIT, I DO HAVE SOMETHING! HANG ON!' I then fumble around for my multi-tool. Now, in which pocket of my cargo pants did I put it? Is this it? No, that's my perfectly not broken phone. Maybe it's over here... Ah, yes, here it is! All the while the poor lady is wondering what kind of a freak she asked for help? But finally, with multi-tool in hand, I proudly open up my knife and cut through her rag like a hot knife through butter. The only unfulfilling part was the nice lady wasn't nearly as impressed as I had hoped she would be. I figure she was just jealous. Then at the hotel I thought I had remembered everything. Vodka... check. Tonic... check. Lime... check. Giant cups... check. I start to put some drinks together for my friends and me after a long day at the golf cour... building project, and my buddy says, 'Did you bring a knife for the lime?' My response, 'Crrrrap! No I didn.... OH WAIT! I DO HAVE SOMETHING! HANG ON! This time though, I know exactly where it is. I open it like a seasoned veteran multi-tool handler, if there is such a thing. I cut up our limes, and we have tasty vodka tonics for all. Yes, there is nothing quite like the satisfaction that a multi-tool can bring a person. To quote Ferris Bueller, "If you have the means, I highly recommend it." Of course Ferris was talking about a Ferrari, I am talking about a $20 Leatherman. Now that, my friend, is the definition of value!


  1. You're like a super hero. With your trusty multi tool, you saved the day several times. What's really impressive is, you built a Kingdom Hall with your multi tool!

  2. My favorite tool on my multi-tool is my trowel. Second favorite, cordless circular saw.
