Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Traffic Part IV: Stinkin' Lincoln "Courteous" Driver

Yes, it is time once again to revisit the topic of Stinkin' Lincoln Traffic. This will most definitely be a regular feature of this blog. After I share this installment with you, I already have 4 other traffic topics filed away in the back of my head and ready to be discussed. Maybe we will make it a weekly feature. If that is the case, this week we will strictly discuss the topic of "The Stinkin' Lincoln 'Courteous' Driver". There seems to be a trend in Stinkin' Lincoln that I have never experienced anywhere else, at least not on this scale. What I am referring to is the so called "courteous" driver. My wife and I live on one of the busier streets in Stinkin' Lincoln, but our driveway is on a side street. When we leave the homestead to go somewhere, we usually turn onto that busy street. There are certain times of the day that make that turn, especially a left turn, fairly difficult. But, after ten years of living on this corner, we have adapted to the challenge. When you see a break in the traffic, it's peddle to the medal, with no hesitation. What annoys me, is when I am patiently, and sometimes not so patiently, sitting and waiting for my opportunity to punch the gas and some bozo or little old lady decides they are going to help me out and be the "courteous driver" and stop on that busy street and let me make my turn. What usually happens is, the many cars stopped behind this "courteous" person gets mad and uses the center turn lane to pass this ignormus. So, should I have pulled onto the street, most likely I would be t-boned by the passing car, and the Stinkin' Lincoln police (to be clear, I am referring to the city as Stinkin', not the fine officers of law enforcement) probably would find me at fault. All because of the "courteous driver".
Now, it's important to know that the "courteous driver" is not solely found on the corner on which I reside. No, they are found all around Stinkin' Lincoln. They come in all shapes and sizes. My favorite "courteous drivers" are the ones that totally and completely have the right of way at a stop sign, stop light, etc. They will wave you on to go first, and sometimes will look annoyed while doing it, when all the while they are the ones with the right of way. That's why they made the rule, so everyone would know who is supposed to go first if two people tie when approaching a four-way stop. So, to all of you "courteous drivers" out there, I just want you to know that I have been driving for over 20 years now. I think I know how to turn onto a busy street all by myself, and I am a huge fan of the right-of-way rule. It brings order to the streets. Therefore, I don't mind waiting my turn. Just obey the rules of the road, and we will get along just fine.
Well, I must say, staying on point with the "courteous driver" took some restraint. When talking about driving in Stinkin' Lincoln, it's easy to get side tracked by another traffic issue. But on the bright side, I think I came up with some more topics. So, tune in next week to see what Traffic Part V brings us.

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