Friday, June 26, 2009

I am a Realist

So, I looked at the results, thus far, to the poll question. Most of you like things just the way they are. That's good to hear, because I really had no plans on changing the way I have been doing things. But by all means, if you haven't voted yet, please do so. For the one person that said I need to be more positive, please note that this blog is entitled, Stinkin Lincoln, how positive did you think it was going to be? Even so, I will try to be a touch more positive. It's hard for me because being positive does not run in my family. You see, we like to refer to ourselves as realists. Some misconstrued this as negativity, but in reality, we are just big believers in Murphy's Law. Imagine the great joy we derive when everything goes as planned. Would you rob us of this? If so, shame on you! Now, I do admit, that I have a tendency to dwell on the negative. This self awareness is the reason I put that in the poll. I would love to be that person that has a ray of sunshine coming out of his butt all day, everyday. On second thought, no I wouldn't! Those people are annoying! Not to mention, they are the kind of person that one day they get an AK-47 and shoot up a church bake sale. That big toothy grin and incessant giggle is all a cover for someone that has too much stress and pressure in their lives. I am not that person. I look at everything with the potential to be good, but don't necessarily expect it to go that way. I am always wondering what could go wrong. As a result, I am always problem solving in my head. It's kind of fun, you should try it. I remember when I was a little kid, if my dad would run into the store, or bank and would leave me in the car (don't worry, the windows were rolled down in the summer), I would be sitting there thinking, if someone tried to kidnap me, what would I do? I would have this whole scenario in my head of how I was going to free myself from my kidnapper. I am sure this was the result of being an only child and having an overactive imagination. Yep, try being a little negative every once in a while. The life you save may be your own.


  1. Sooo are you saying your wife could be homicidal someday just because of the "ray of sunshine" thing???

  2. How did I know someone was going to think I meant her? Trust me, she doesn't have a ray of sunshine ALL the time, only in public.
