Saturday, June 6, 2009

Time of the Season...

I don't have any facts to back this up, so don't go around telling people that you read this somewhere you can quote from. Time Magazine I am not. Now that we have the disclaimer out of the way, let's get to the main subject of this post. I have heard, that time is all relative. To illustrate, a 6 year old kid feels that a year is a long, long time, almost infinitesimal. Yet, to a guy my age, we'll say 30-something, a year seems to fly by. The reason for these different perspectives is because of the amount of time the 6 year old and the older guy have experienced. To the 6 year old, 1 year is 1/6 of the time they have experienced in life. For the older guy, 1 year is 1/36 of the time he has experienced. Therefore, 1 year seems like a shorter period of time for the older man. Now, like I said, don't go quoting me on this, but it seems pretty logical to me. In fact, I think I will name the theory. Yes, I will call it, the Theory of Relativity.

The reason I bring up this theory is because it amazes me how each year, spring seems to come and go much quicker than when I was 6 years old. It seems like the weather just warmed up, and I just went mushroom hunting. That was almost 6 weeks ago. Soon, July will be here, and the dog days of summer will start. Then fall will arrive and we will be able to enjoy about 6 weeks of nice weather again. Followed closely by hell frozen over, a.k.a. Nebraska winter. But then the next thing you know, spring. It is just kind of scary to see time pick up speed as you get a little older. I guess it just makes me want to embrace life and keep enjoying it. I don't know if that qualifies as a mid-life crisis or not. To be honest, I don't want to have a mid-life crisis until I am at least in my early 40's. If I have one now, does that mean I will only live to be 72? That might be to deep of a subject for a Saturday evening. Let's just leave it at, I can't believe spring is almost over already. I better get crackin' on the things I need to get done around here before the snow flies. Basement, here I come!


  1. just think...if you could travel faster then the speed of light, time actually slows. hello theory of relativity.

  2. Thanks TIME magazine for the "facts". I believe I'll call all my friends on the west coast so I'm actually talking to someone 2 hours behind, to help slow down time.
