Sunday, June 28, 2009

Too Much Information (It's not what you think)

Still a little grumpy today, but for a new reason. It's because of a certain jerk that felt the need to put an apostate link on my blog, most likely because he searched for blogs with God's name in it. I have deleted said link, and have enacted a security measure for those that post, so we will not have this problem again. But what makes me mad is I had to delete "Jehovah" from my profile so as to not attract more idiots. I always kind of questioned if I should have the divine name in my blog, if for no other reason, that I wouldn't bring shame to his name. But now because some bozo comes wandering into my blog and feels the need to post lies about my religion, I feel it best to remove God's name, so I won't attract more bafoons. To any that may have seen or read the link, I apologize for allowing it to come into my blog. Had I had the security measures installed already, it wouldn't have happened. All I know is he better have clicked on all the ads while he was here! It's the least he could do. You know what, on second thought, I don't want his clicks, I just want him to stay away!

This actually is related to a subject that I have been wanting to write about lately. It is amazing to me how people are so credulous when it comes to information on the web, in the news, in books, and so on. For instance, this ninny that left the link, in the link, there was a brief description of the website it would take you to. The description was full of lies about my religion. Yet, people will go there, read all of those lies, and those people take that info hook line and sinker. When if those people would do some honest research from honest sources, they would come away with a totally different view. The problem is, what is an honest source? For the most part, if you want to find a certain opinion about a certain subject, it's out there if you look hard enough. Let's say for instance I am a diabetic and I want to find information about what foods are the best to eat when my blood sugar is low. Sure, there are all kinds of books and websites that say complex sugars, such as fruit, and juice are best. But what I want to hear is CANDY! With out too much digging, I can find a book and/or a website, maybe even a quack doctor, that says simple sugar is best. This is an example of how too much information is actually disinformation. Flood society with information, and before long, most people don't know what the truth is anymore. And that is where we are today. So, how do we filter out all the crap? Go straight to the source. If you want to know about diabetes, go to the American Diabetes Association, or Or if you want to learn about a certain religion, say Catholics, go to their website. But, supposedly the Catholic religion is based on the teaching of the Bible, so then you have to compare what they say with the teaching of Jesus and the Bible. Otherwise you are just back to taking someones word for it.

So, don't be gullible. In fact, stop reading my blog. It is just more information in an already saturated information age. As for me, I think I will pack up my multi-tool, wife, and dogs, and go live in the mountains where the only information is what you see around you. Ah, yes, give me the simple life!


  1. Did you know, I can get a $46/hr. job from your blog?

  2. Is it the tatoo removal training? I could see how that would be in high demand in the future. OH! I just had a blog idea, gotta go!
