Saturday, June 20, 2009

Shower Power

We have entered a new dawn. Yes, the sun is shining on my household. Why, you ask? Let me tell you. For the first time in nearly a year, I took a shower in my own home. No, I didn't go "no poo", nor was this some environmental awareness ploy to further the "Go Green" movement. We simply didn't have a shower. Yes, that's right, 11 months of baths. Eleven months of sitting in my own filth. Sometimes I would get out of the tub and look at all the dirt left behind and wonder if I needed to take another bath since I was just sitting in that muck. I will say, though, baths in the winter aren't all bad. For one, our basement currently doesn't have any duct work in it, so it gets pretty chilly in the winter. So, running upstairs after getting out of the shower was sometimes quite brutal. Plus, hot showers in the winter are enjoyable, but nothing beats a hot bath on a cold day to warm you up. Conversely, cold baths on a hot summers day, in a word, suck. Nothing beats a cold shower to cure what ails you. (Insert your own joke here)

You may be wondering what necessitated the use of the tub. Well, we remodeled our basement bathroom. It was something that needed to be done. I think that bathroom was added on in the 40's or early 50's when they didn't have building codes or, apparently, brains. We had a slight problem with mold in the old shower because of the way it was built. The shower was built in such a way that the water would hit you right in the face the whole time you were in there, with nowhere to retreat. It was like Chinese water torture. Where they put the toilet, when you would be sitting to take care of your business, your elbows would each be resting against the adjacent wall, which would from time to time result in a bang, followed by some choice words, usually involving a curse of the bathroom and how I needed to remodel. So, when a tree fell on one of our trucks and totalled it, we decided to use the money for a new bathroom. Of course, the bathroom ended up costing double what we figured, but that's the way it goes with do-it-yourself projects. It always takes way more time and money, neither of which are in abundance around here. But, when I took my shower, it was amazing to not have water pounding you in the face. In fact, it was like showering in a giant room, instead of a telephone booth. When I sit on my throne, it's amazing to not be banging my elbow on something. So, if you find yourself in Stinkin' Lincoln, and would like to take a shower, come on over. You will be amazed!