Saturday, June 6, 2009

Feelin' Hot-Hot-Hot

Today, a friend of mine and myself added on to my driveway. It really has been a work in progress for the past 3 years. Let me tell you, concrete is ex-pen-sive! As a result we have been putting the driveway in bit by bit. So, it felt nice to get it totally completed. What does not feel nice, is my killer sunburn. Currently, I am much like a Quizino's sandwich... toasted. For some reason I decided to wear a tank-top today. I haven't worn a tank-top in about 8 years. So, my formerly pasty white shoulders and upper arms are now a glowing red. Even my eyeballs seem to be burned. I am so burnt... (HOW BURNT ARE YOU!). I am so burnt that if you had some marshmallows, you could roast them by holding them over my shoulders.

Most likely, there is somebody out there that is asking themselves, "Why didn't he wear sunscreen?" Well, I did. I think maybe what the problem was, it was in my golf bag and it had been there for at least 3 years. I don't know if sunscreen can expire, or what. All I know is it didn't work worth beans. I seriously can't remember the last time I was this burnt. Apparently it's time to start think about major sun protection, if it's not too late already. The reason being, a friend of mine, who shall remain nameless, had a mole removed recently that looked "funny", and it turned out to be cancerous. The guy is younger than me! I think about all the times when this fella and myself were out playing baseball, or on the golf course and just got burnt beyond recognition out in the summer sun. Back then, it wasn't cool to put on sunscreen. You had to burn at least once a summer to get a good base tan, or at least that was the thinking. I used to think my wife was being ridiculous when she would make me put sunscreen on when we would be out in the sun for a prolonged period of time. Who knows, but now it could be the difference between skin cancer and... well, not getting skin cancer.

So, take a lesson from my lovely and smart wife, wear sunscreen if you are going to be in the sun. In the words of Bob Dylan, "Times they are a-changin'." The world climate is trying to kill us. Protect yourself. Wear sunscreen!

This has been a public service announcement. Brought to you by Coppertone.

1 comment:

  1. Ouch! How would you like your eggs fixed with that BACON?
