Saturday, June 27, 2009

Grumpy Gus

I am feeling a little grumpy today, so if you came looking for sunshine, you came to the wrong damn place. But tune in tomorrow, the weather man is saying clear and sunny, unless my aunt drives me up a wall at our family gathering. Anyhow, on with the show, er, blog, whatever.

The source of my petulance is my basement bathroom project. It seems that no matter how hard I work on the thing, there are still a million little things to do. If it's not painting, it's caulking. If it's not light fixtures, it's door hardware. And the list goes on. It just always blows my mind that projects can, not necessarily around here, but they can, be moving along so fast, but then when you get down to the final details, it slows down to a snails pace. To make matters worse, next week we have our district convention here in town, and we have a house full of people scheduled to stay with us for it. I don't want to have to mess with anything after they leave. I want everything DONE. I guess it kind of my own fault. Maybe if I hadn't been dragging my feet all this time, I wouldn't be scrabbling to get done. But, there is this item you need when you are working on a remodeling project. It's called money, and we didn't have any. Story of my life, if I have the money, I don't have the time, and if I have the time, I don't have the money. Funny how that works. But, and here is a positive note for all you sunshine lovers, not only do we have the means, we also have the time. It may not be as much as I need, it's time none-the-less, and by any means necessary, I will finish this never ending project. Then, after we have all of company, I will then complete the next never ending project. Just as The Little Engine That Could said, "I think I can! I think I can!"


  1. Hang in there little engine!

  2. Can we come and pee in your bathroom on Sunday??? Your wife invited us over for dinner:) Aren't you excited to see more of us?? We shall bring our lovely and pleasant children.
