Thursday, May 14, 2009

Handy Man

That's me! I enjoy fixing things and doing things around the house. Especially things that do not make me curse. It used to be when I was younger, I would blow my top if ever one little thing went wrong. I could not understand why things would not go perfectly. I have come to learn that things never go perfectly, so I keep my cool much better then back then. Though, I will say, if I smack my thumb with a hammer, duck and cover your ears. Being that I do not have kids, I have the luxury of not having to worry if my 3 year old will pick up the occasional vulgarity that might slip out, because my 3 year old is a dog, and he really doesn't say much. But I digress. Back to the theme of this blog. My handiness. I trimmed trees yesterday and today. It was an excuse to break out my chainsaw, which I haven't used since last year's storm that hit Omaha. Quite possibly there may be nothing more manly than a chainsaw. To hear that roar of that throaty two cycle engine and to see that chain slicing through the branch, and to smell the mixture of exhaust and freshly cut green wood, pure adrenalin. Reminds me of "Home Improvement". When I watched it, I never really got some of the jokes, until I bought my own home. The way Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor would soup up his tools so they were a danger to any living thing within 100 yards. I find myself sometimes thinking, I wonder if there is a way I could get another half a horse out of this buffer? But, with a chainsaw, there is no need to soup it up, unless you got a really wimpy one I guess, but who does that? I mean, besides my dad? I have to say though, being handy is a blessing and a curse. It's great when I am fixing something I want to fix or (say with a deep manly voice) clearin' some trees, but it stinks when you get (DUNT-DUNT-DUN) THE LIST. "Here are a few things I would like you to get done in the next week or so." Of course they are always things that would take the average handy man a month to complete. And though I am handy, being the average handy man might be a bit of a stretch. For me, THE LIST usually takes about 2 months to complete. But when it is done, I feel like I am on top of the world. Well, I should probably say, "Ta ta for now!", because I have a date with THE LIST first thing in the morning. Ta ta for now!

1 comment:

  1. I love my chainsaw too! Brings out my inner lumberjack.
