Friday, May 22, 2009

It's Miller Time!

(Sorry, but I couldn't resist having a picture of Marisa Miller on my blog. She's pretty.) What a week! Saturday night I couldn't sleep. On top of that, I had a public talk in Wahoo. On one hour of sleep I got up and gave possibly one of the most unintelligible talks I have ever given. Then I came home, slept for a hour and a half, and went to work for 10 hours. Monday, 12 hour work day. Tuesday, I had a talk at our meeting I had to prepare for. Wednesday, 12 hour work day. Thursday, 12 hour work day. Now, I get to sleep for 4 hours and then help get the house ready for my little sister-in-law's graduation party. But after that, IT'S MILLER TIME!!! I am going to enjoy these 2 days off like none other. That is the great thing about working hard, when you get some time off you truly appreciate it. I would hate to be one of those guys that owns a business, but just collects the checks. You really can't enjoy a week off if you don't work that hard the rest of the time. A few months ago I had some surgery on my shoulders, and because of the nature of my work, I could not do any manual labor from September 30th to around March 1st. At first I thought, 'This is gonna be great!' But after I had recovered from the first surgery, I was ready to get back to work. Problem was, there was still another shoulder to get worked on. The next 2 months were like they were in slow motion. I was bored out of my mind. I can see why some guys have a really hard time with retirement. Both of my grandfathers worked in one form or another until they just could not do it anymore for health reasons. My mom's dad volunteered his time in the ministry. Then when he decided he couldn't do that anymore, he tried just going fishing all the time, but eventually he got a job at Younkers selling suits. My dad's dad cleaned after he retired, and was always doing something around the house. I always thought I couldn't wait for retirement. To be able to just hang out at the house and watch the sun tea brew. Spend some quality time with my guitar... er, wife. But, I think I am going to be like my grandfathers before me. Or maybe I could be like my neighbor. He actually has a year long schedule for maintenance on his house. April 15th, rototill garden, April 16th, clean gutters, April 17th, plant garden, etc., etc., etc. Hard work makes the fun times all that more fun. (Especially for my neighbor who always has a coffee cup in his hand, that smells nothing like coffee, and a great deal like booze.) For me, the beer tastes just a little bit better. Funny things are hilarious. Food tastes better. Sunsets are more beautiful. Sleep is more enjoyable. The beer tastes just a little bit better. Yes, I think it is safe to say we were all designed to work hard. If for no other reason than to make the beer taste better, even if I have to drink it in the closet like the rest of the Stinkin' Lincolnites. More on that later.


  1. Yes she is and yes it does...

  2. Sounds like you deserve some "down" time. Good for you! By the way, does your girlfriend know you're married? Just kidding:) I'm sure she does:)
