Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Poet I am Not, But I Give It All I Got

Creativity is an incredible thing. I do enjoy writing, always have. But I wouldn't say I am an overly creative writer. Really, I am mediocre at best. I will read other blogs, better yet, actual journalism in newspapers, and I am blown away by some of the creative topics that people come up with to write about and the way they are able to express themselves. Amazing and captivating are two great adjectives to describe these types of writers. Poets are by far some of the most incredible writers. Anybody can sit down and write a story that rhymes. But to make it sound beautiful and to actually tell a story without making the words sound forced. When I try my hand a poetry it usually sounds pretty stupid. Oh, how I do love my cat, mostly because she's not fat, and she can fit in a hat, but now she's dead because she got squished flat. Usually when I am in a pretty creative mood, that is actually not a good thing. Because it probably means I am a little depressed or something like that. But I think that is the case with most people. You look at song writers, and you see that many times some of their best stuff comes out when they are going through some adverse times. Just the other day a guy I know and myself were discussing the new Dave Matthews Band CD that is coming out at the beginning of June. A couple songs have been released on iTunes, and though they have not been the greatest thing Dave has ever written, the songs are certainly better than anything he has put on paper the last 7 years or so. I feel the reason is the band just lost LeRoi Moore, their saxophone player and founding member, to an ATV accident last summer that eventually lead to his death. It's pretty safe to say that Dave and company have got pretty cushy lives going on, and to have the death of a close friend must have torn him inside out. Thus the great lyrics. I feel the worst thing you can do to an artist is give him a bunch of money and make his life too comfortable. What is he going to write about that people will be able to identify with? Make them put all their money in a trust fund that they can't touch until they are 55 years old. Keep the adversity flowing and you keep the lyrics flowing. That's why I choose to be in the middle class. There is enough adversity associated with the middle class to be a middle class writer, but not so much adversity that I putting out Pulitzer Prize stuff. Wow, what would my life be like for me to be able to achieve that? Yikes!


  1. Sounds like somebody has been reading too much Dr. Seuss.

  2. I hope nothing has happened to Jasmine.

  3. I knew someone would think she was dead. I took a little creative liberty. Jasmine lives and is as annoying as ever.
