Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Let's Play Word Association: Computers... Sledgehammer

No matter where you live, computers are frustrating. Saturday, I was trying to help my buddy gain access to our wireless modem. I looked high and low and I could not find the password for our network. For nearly 2 years the password was on a sticky note that was stuck to our modem. Mysteriously that sticky note disappeared. Most likely I removed it when we got our second laptop, and then failed to put it back in it's proper place. My wife would no doubt say that sounds about right. You see, I have disorganizational tendencies. Anyhow, my buddy and I decided the best course of action would be to make the network an insecure network. I proceeded to turn off the security measures, which by the way, ended up being a total waist of time because he still couldn't access the network and in turn locked myself out of my own network. What I failed to think about was that once I turned off the security I didn't have the password to turn it back on. So, for the next 3 days I had to use my neighbors wireless network to get my email, and play Texas Hold 'em on the Internet. Fortunately, the manufacturer of the wireless modem we use has excellent tech support. It still took 3 lengthy phone conversations with people from India to get everything up and running again. Those folks from India crack me up. If you have never experienced trying to troubleshoot a computer problem with a guy who speaks "English" with a HEAVY Indian accent, you are missing out on an experience of a life time. First off, they tell you their name, and it is never Ajatashatru, or Rajanigandha, it's always David, or Michelle. Second, they never divert from the script that is in front of them. Then if you ask them a question that they don't have a prompt for they say something totally off the wall. Sad to say though, is that most of the people that barely speak enough English to call it English are better at what they do than most American techs. So, I should be happy that all things are up and running the way they are supposed to and I don't have to borrow my neighbors Internet connection anymore. Then again, maybe I have figured out a way to save $50 a month. I wonder if he has cable television?

1 comment:

  1. My first experience with someone from India and business, was an insurance claim. All I've got to say is "Whoa".
