Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Maiden Voyage

I have been slowly but surely working on our basement bathroom for the past 10 months now. Now, you may think, 'TEN MONTHS!!!', but as I told my plumber, if you knew my dad you would realize that I am way ahead of schedule. But that is a blog for another time. It was a pretty big undertaking. We live in an old house built in 1917. Therefore anytime we do anything on the house, especially if you have to get a building permit for the project, it requires a great deal of work. With this project, we had an old nasty bathroom that we had to totally gut and start over. When you do that you start running into building code issues. The plumber had to move pipes under the basement floor to make everything kosher, then some of the existing pipes were only an inch or two under the slab, so the building inspector made us redo it. From what I understand this is Stinkin' Lincoln standard operating procedure. That was basically how the whole project went. But now we are at the point where it's all tiled, the shower is operational minus a shower curtain, and today, we had the toilet installed. Joy of joys, two toilets in our home, one for her and one for me. That is pure luxury my friends. I woke up this afternoon after working all night and my wife said that she left the toilets maiden voyage to me. I have yet to use it, mostly because the door is in the process of getting painted, but I want our first time to be special. I want to have newspaper in hand, and it be one of those moments where you run to meet your toilet while unbuttoning your pants long before entering the bathroom. Pure poetry. I think tomorrow will be our day.


  1. Ewww....bad visual there. But I do love the tile you guys picked for the wall!

  2. I think your wife should get you one of those Burger King crowns before you take your rightful heir to the throne, and then take a picture of your royal majesty in all his glory! By the way, that doesn't look like your bathroom! What, you didn't think I'd notice?

  3. Cousin Rick made a few minor adjustments.
