Monday, May 18, 2009

Fun with Your Friends Car

I was exchanging stories with Todd, one of my employees, tonight about teenage pranks. He told of a friend that had a Geo Metro. One night Todd and some other friends had an idea, and knowing Todd I am sure there was, at the very least, alcohol involved. They decided it would be funny to sneak over to their friends house and physically move the Geo Metro. They took it and put it between two trees, with the front bumper touching one tree and the rear bumper touching the other. I can just picture this guy coming out the next morning to find his car pinned between two trees. Todd did not say how the guy got the car out. I assumed he did like Austin Powers when he was trying to turn that golf cart around in the tunnel, inch forward, inch back, inch forward, inch back. I'm smiling just thinking about it.
My story was actually a prank on me. A friend of mine had a cleaning job, I don't recall the name of the place, but it had a Diesel mechanic on duty 24 hours a day. Well, it seems that the mechanic that was on duty at night would usually get pretty board, so he would try to create ways to liven things up. On one particular night, I just stopped by to say 'Hello' to my friend. I couldn't have been inside more than 15 or 20 minutes. When I came out, I hopped in my car, a 1983 Pontiac Grand Prix, started her up, put her in Drive and gave it some gas... nothing. The RPMs went up, but the car would not move. Checked to make sure I was actually in Drive and not Neutral. Everything was okay there. I think to myself, "Oh no! I hope my transmission didn't go out!" So, I hop out and take a look under the car, and what do I see? Funny man mechanic put my car up on blocks! The reason I didn't notice was because he only had the tires about an inch off the ground. I jump up from the ground and the first thing I see is my friend standing at the door with the mechanic laughing their heads off. It's funny how you can look back at things like that and laugh, because at the time I didn't see the humor in it. But now years later, I realize how incredibly brilliant that prank was. It makes me want to go out and pass along this wisdom. But knowing Lincoln, the cops would have me arrested before I even had a chance to get even one wheel off the ground. Kill joys!

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