Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Par-tay was Bully!

The par-tay was off the hook, or whatever the kids are saying these days. I don't even really know what that means. Off what hook, and why is that a good thing? If I see something off the hook, that means I have to pick it up and put it back on the hook to avoid my wife picking it up and asking me why it wasn't on the hook. I'm just sayin'. Seriously the party was pretty fun. It was well planned by my wife and her little sister, and I am pretty sure that planning started at least 6 months ago. We had Bo Bo's Bouncy House for the kids, which they enjoyed immensely. That is, until the mechanical bull got going. Those kids dropped Bo Bo like Snoop Dog drops something hot. Again, I don't know what that means. I am so unhip. Sorry, I will stay on point from here on. One of the guys that works for us knows a guy that rents a mechanical bull. We got a super sweet deal on it, but normally it's $1200 for the day. But he had an after prom party tonight so he came up from Omaha set it up at our place for 5 hours and then headed out, and for that we got a DEEP discount. I stand by the old adage, it's not what you know, it's who you know. It's funny the people that end up being good on the bull. There was one kid here, probably about 10 years old, that could not be thrown off that bull. He was like Jello on springs, or maybe a drunk guy in car accident. He just went with the flow. Then, after watching this kid ride the bull at least a dozen times, his dad gets up there. It quickly became apparent where the kid got his elasticity. Like father like son. Then my wife and the little sister decided that cupcakes would be served instead of a cake. That too worked out well. Then we have our dogs. It's interesting how if you bring one or two people into the yard the dogs freak out and want to investigate the situation, but if you bring in, oh, 150 people or so and they couldn't care less. They just laid around for most of the afternoon trying to find a bit of shade or fan to lay next to. Plus they probably got fed 10 cupcakes each, not to mention chips and sandwiches. I would venture to guess that cleaning up the yard landmines tomorrow is not going to be a job for the faint of heart. As I lay here next to one of my dogs, I can hear his stomach gurgling and churning. That can't be good. Then towards the end of the party, many found humor, and others looked on in horror as the dogs decided they were thirsty and went over to the tubs of soda and started lapping up the ice water that was keeping the drinks cold. I personally found it quite humorous. The afternoon ended in a water fight, as most graduation parties do. Today it was inevitable because of the 90 degree heat. The water fight commenced once the bull was off to it's post prom party. Wow, if that bull could talk. Once again, I don't know what that means, but I think it means I hope the owner of the bull disinfects that thing every once in a while. I am not overly familiar with a post prom party, but I would think there would be young and inexperienced people drinking beer and then getting on something that spins them round and round and up and down. Much like my dogs' current stomach condition, that can't be good.

1 comment:

  1. You might not be hip, but you're probably a hero among the kids. A mechanical bull! That's sick! I'm not sure what that means either, I just say it because it's fun.
