Saturday, May 23, 2009

Prohibition Lives

In my last blog I ended with the mention of closet drinkers in Stinkin' Lincoln. I have no problem with people that choose not to drink adult beverages. Though, I must say, I find it a challenge to trust people that don't partake of alcohol, at least occasionally, nor do I trust a person who doesn't let the non habitual curse word fly if he stubs his toe on the corner of the dresser or smacks his thumb with a hammer. Still, I don't have a problem, per se, with those that choose to do neither. Some people that don't drink, just plain don't like the taste, or they may not be able to drink for health reasons. But people that don't drink and put on airs about it or make you feel like you are weak for drinking, that just chaps my hide. Even more annoying is when people make a big deal about drinking in public, but when they get home they head for the closet, turn to make sure no one is watching, and head into their fully stocked bar made to look like an innocent walk in closet. Sometimes it feels, or how I imagine it would feel, as though it is Prohibition all over again. There are speak easies in every basement of every home of Stinkin' Lincoln. It's funny that Jesus' first miracle recorded in the Bible was turning water into wine, and yet people tend to avoid that evil drink in public. The irony is that since this is a college town, there is a bar for every student, plus two for each football, basketball, baseball, and volleyball player and from what I understand 3 each for Bo Pelini and Doc Sadler. I will have to dig into Stinkin' Lincoln lore to find out why it is drinking is so taboo. But first, with all this talk of libation, I must partake! Cheers!